Confessions of a Minor Bureaucrat at a Chinese University Hello everyone. I’m Alex Usher and this is the World of Higher Education Podcast. One of the hardest things in comparative international higher education studies is getting a sense of how other countries'...
Webinar, Chapas – México: “Futuros posibles de la formación universitaria”
Educación liberal en Rusia autoritaria: no funciona
Russian liberal-arts program, founded with Bard, will end One of Russia’s most prominent liberal-arts programs is shutting down, two years after its key international partner, Bard College, was blacklisted and barred from working in the country. Administrators at St....
Otto Granados: Educación, aprendizajes y tecnología: mitos y realidades
Educación, aprendizajes y tecnología: mitos y realidades La información disponible hasta ahora sugiere que la tecnología, por sí sola, no cierra la brecha entre estudiantes sobresalientes y estudiantes con malos resultados OTTO GRANADOS México - 18 SEPT 2023 Al menos...
Reino Unido: Competencia entre universidades y la brecha de prestigios
Are the odds still stacked against the UK’s ‘challenger institutions’? A decade of English university policy has sought to improve standards by increasing competition. However, new institutions remain small and peripheral. Tom Williams asks whether the prestige gap...
Aspectos éticos de la IA en la educación superior
Keeping human values at the heart of AI in higher education Jenny Dixon 14 August 2023 As a tidal wave of new technologies overtakes every area of higher education – from teaching and learning to assessment and course development – how do educators ensure that human...
Impacto de la IA en la experiencia estudiantil
How will AI alter the student experience? Experts weigh in Jenae Cohn 10 August 2023 Artificial intelligence and its implications for higher education are a hot topic right now. While global experts in higher education research and scholarship all agree that we need...
China: Uso de la IA en tareas académicas
Draft law sets out penalties for AI-aided academic writing Mimi Leung 01 September 2023 Students and academics who use artificial intelligence tools to ‘ghostwrite’ essays or dissertations risk having their degrees revoked according to a new draft Degree Law to...
Simón Schwartzman: Planes nacionales de educaciones en Brasil
O novo plano vem aí By Simon on Sep 08, 2023 05:40 am (publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de setembro, 2023) Em 2024 termina o Plano Nacional de Educação aprovado pelo Congresso em 2014, que ficou praticamente todo sem se cumprir, e já se veem movimentos para...
Webinarios sobre la Universidad del Futuro – Unach 2023
La Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (Unach), a través de la Coordinación General de Relaciones Interinstitucionales le hace una cordial invitación a asistir a la tercera edición del evento académico virtual denominado “Webinarios sobre la Universidad del Futuro – Unach...
La institucionalidad de las universidades: ¿forzadas a cambiar?
José Joaquín Brunner/ ex ministro de Estado, académico y experto en educación /La institucionalidad de las...
Universidades británicas: ¿Controlar el acceso?
Fresh calls for number controls after elites take more students Academics question why some universities should be...
Complejo ideológico PC
Complejo ideológico PC "Aún se concibe a sí mismo como un partido leninista, que tolera la democracia formal burguesa...
Ciencia abierta versus editoriales académicas
Academic Publishers Threatened By Open-Access Expansion Critics say a directive to make federally funded research...