
Doctorados en artes y humanidades

We need a debate about PhDs in the arts and humanities. Now. Christopher Smith  04 May 2024 For a qualification which is so steeped in the appearance of prestige, the doctorate is remarkably under-examined. It has changed relatively little in terms of output, form and...

Artes liberales e IA

Liberal arts universities in a ChatGPT era – How to adapt? Yojana Sharma  13 September 2023 A small liberal arts university in Asia appears an unlikely place for an engineering professor and data scientist. But Joe Qin, who took over as president of Lingnan University...

Cine chileno

El cine chileno va a la conquista ANTONIA LABORDE, Santiago de Chile - 20 SEPT. 2023  Carteles de las películas 'La memoria infinita', 'Los colonos', 'La Práctica' y 'El realismo socialista'. La industria cinematográfica chilena llega con la frente en alto al Festival...

Las humanidades y las tecnologías

The liberal arts can counteract polarisation – but there are caveats Higher education must double down on the liberal education values of interdisciplinarity, experiential learning and critical thinking, says Eric Skipper January 13, 2022 Eric Skipper Covid-19, true...

El mundo intelectual y la libertad de expresión

Artists and Writers Warn of an ‘Intolerant Climate.’ Reaction Is Swift. An open letter published by Harper’s, signed by luminaries including Margaret Atwood and Wynton Marsalis, argued for openness to “opposing views.” The debate began immediately. By Jennifer...

¿Fin del college norteamericano?

The End of College? (Part 1) Posted on March 11, 2015 by Alex Usher Over the next couple of days, I want to talk a bit about a new book called The End of College, written by the New America Foundation’s Kevin Carey.  It’s an important book not just because it’s been...