How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Higher Ed? ChatGPT is just the beginning. 12 scholars and administrators explain. THE REVIEW | FORUM, MAY 25, 2023 When ChatGPT made its public debut last year, the CEO of OpenAI, ChatGPT’s parent company, predicted that...
GPT-4 y las aulas universitarias
GPT-4’s launch ‘another step change’ for AI and higher education New version of OpenAI’s chatbot can interpret images and tutor students March 23, 2023 Tom Williams The ability of the new version of ChatGPT to interpret images and “tutor” students poses new challenges...
Hacia un primer grado europeo
Take plunge with European degree label, university leaders urge Label could be ‘first step’ towards automatically...
Politécnicos: el debate en Inglaterra
Could polytechnics be an answer to the problems facing HE? Nnamdi O Madichie 12 February 2025 The transformation of...
Escena preelectoral
Escena preelectoral "Atrapados en esta malla de memorias, relatos, deseos, ideas e ideologías, los actores se mueven...
Escuela y batalla contra la desinformación
La batalla contra la desinformación también se libra en la escuela La educación actual se desenvuelve en medio de un...