NOVEMBER 13, 2023 | ALEX USHER Reconstruction Something on a lot of people’s minds in higher education– at least, among the more internationally-minded types – is how higher education institutions in North America and Europe can contribute to the rebuilding of...
Habermas y la actitud de occidente frente a Rusia
Hasta dónde apoyamos a Ucrania. Habermas, el gran intelectual, aborda el dilema de Europa Occidente debe medir cuidadosamente cada grado adicional de ayuda militar a Kiev. Vladímir Putin es quien decidirá en qué momento el apoyo occidental equivale a entrar en guerra...
Alemania y académicos y estudiantes de Ucrania
GERMANY-UKRAINE Germany to host 100,000 Ukrainian academics and students Michael Gardner 01 April 2022 Joybrato Mukherjee, president of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), has visited Poland to discuss how Germany’s eastern neighbour is supporting...
La universidad en la guerra de Ucrania
War Is the Enemy of Education Ukrainian universities close, and Putin cracks down on Russian scholars. By Ani Kokobobo MARCH 7, 2022 All university activities have ceased in Ukraine. No classes, no research, no students, no staff, no faculty. Professors from the Kyiv...
International Higher Education, Spring Issue #75
We are pleased to send you the spring issue of International Higher Education. This issue features several articles about the role of English in Chinese higher education and on aspects of international student mobility as well as a range of key international...
Hacia un primer grado europeo
Take plunge with European degree label, university leaders urge Label could be ‘first step’ towards automatically...
Politécnicos: el debate en Inglaterra
Could polytechnics be an answer to the problems facing HE? Nnamdi O Madichie 12 February 2025 The transformation of...
Escena preelectoral
Escena preelectoral "Atrapados en esta malla de memorias, relatos, deseos, ideas e ideologías, los actores se mueven...
Escuela y batalla contra la desinformación
La batalla contra la desinformación también se libra en la escuela La educación actual se desenvuelve en medio de un...