Strategy, Differentiation, and Culture November 19, 2024 | Alex Usher (This blog post is a version of a talk I gave at the University Vice-President’s Network meeting a couple of weeks ago at Western University.) A couple of weeks ago, I made the case for the...
Universidades: Planificación en organizaciones ambigua
Strategic Planning for Ambiguous Organizations November 25th, 2019 - Alex Usher I have been doing a fair bit of strategic planning work recently and one mantra that people like repeating when it comes this kind of exercise is “we’re not like a business, so we can’t...
Presupuestos balanceados, Alex Usher
Balanced Budgets May 28th, 2019 - Alex Usher A few weeks ago, the federal and länder governments in Germany reached a ten-year accord with respect to funding for scientific research. Result: a decade of planned 3% annual increases. Needless to say, this elicited...
Sobre planes estratégicos en las universidades
Does My Institution Need a Strategic Plan? May 27th, 2019 - Alex Usher As our company’s name suggests, we think a lot about strategic planning here at HESA Towers. And after a decade of doing this job, I have come to the conclusion that while most institutions do...
Universidades en china: un enfoque organizacional
Berger, J. B., Hudson, K.E., Blanco Ramírez, G. (2013) How universities work: Understanding higher education organization in northwest China. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21(64). Retrieved [date], from Bajar el artículo...
Conductas e ideas políticas
Conductas e ideas políticas "A derecha e izquierda reina el desconcierto de ideas y una dispersión de las conductas...
Vinculación con el Medio (VcM)
¿Puentes o Muros? Los desafíos de integrar Vinculación con el Medio (VcM) y Transferencia Tecnológica (TT). Fabián...
Páginas de Educación, Vol. 17(2) publicado
Nuevo número 17(2) publicado 2024-12-03 Tenemos el gusto de informarles que se encuentra disponible online un nuevo...
Rectora UCH sobre temas de actualidad
Rosa Devés: “La educación superior chilena debe salir de la lógica de la competencia” Polo Ramírez 9 dic 2024 06:31 PM...