Desconfianza y crítica al CPT
Researchers embracing ChatGPT are like turkeys voting for Christmas The technology threatens to impoverish research and destroy humans’ ability to understand the social world, says Dirk Lindebaum Dirk Lindebaum, May 2, 2023 Since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of...
Una lectura del Chat GPT desde China
Xu Jilin on ChatGPT Xu Jilin, “A Discussion: Does ChatGPT Signal the Birth of a New World, on the Beginning of the End?”[1] Introduction and Translation by David Ownby, Blog "Reading the China Dream". This web site is devoted to the subject of intellectual life in...
Educación superior en India
Realism about Indian Higher Education Philip G. Altbach Abstract Indian higher education is open- ing to the world, but there are many aspects of the world’s second largest system that need to be understood by the global community. A stress on expansion has prevented...
Perú: La reforma universitaria ha sido sepultada
La reforma universitaria ha sido sepultada Ricardo Cuenca, 4 de mayo de 2023 He tardado un poco en escribir este balance, casi en tono personal, acerca del fin de la reforma universitaria y el inicio de la contrarreforma; porque no es que se haya terminado un ciclo...
¿Qué habilidades para el próximo futuro?
Stanford academic predicts shift to new graduate skillset Keith Nuthall 18 April 2023 The ‘idea of mastery’ and the ability to hone maths and reading skills will become less relevant to graduates of the future, compared with skills such as resilient minds and healthy...
Bienvenido Programas de Doctorado UDP
IA y colonialismo de datos
AI as colonial knowledge production: The resistance begins here Nick Couldry 11 April 2023 In recent months, both the tech press and general media have been full of hype about artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically ChatGPT and rival advanced AI programmes....
UCH: Juicio ético respecto tesis sobre pedofilia
A la comunidad: Informe de la Comisión sobre dos tesis de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades que abordan temas de pedofilia La instancia académica, constituida en enero pasado, estuvo integrada por los académicos y académicas: Claudio Pastenes, vicerrector de...
Transformaciones del espíritu comunitario de la Universidad: base de la responsabilidad social de la academia
Transformaciones del espíritu comunitario de la Universidad: base de la responsabilidad social de la academia. En La Responsabilidad social de las Universidades: implicaciones para América Latina y el Caribe, Eduardo Aponte Hernández (Editor). UNESCO-IESALC, 2015,...
Visión de Trump para la acreditación de universidades
Trump’s Vision for College Accreditation Could Shake Up the Sector By Eric Kelderman November 26, 2024 ...
Bill Gates entrevista
Bill Gates: the Optimist’s Dilemma The philanthropist has been fighting global disease for 25 years. He believes the...
Universidades en Francia
Thierry Coulhon: France’s mega-universities ‘had to happen’ Former Macron adviser, president of leading engineering...
Colombia: Deuda estudiantil
“No queremos jóvenes endeudados hasta el cuello”: Mineducación reformará el Icetex El ministro de Educación, Daniel...