Educación superior: falta de dirección y futuro ''El sistema nacional de ES está perdiendo dinamismo. De un lado, se halla constreñido por una disminución de recursos; del otro, por el incremento de costos de las funciones académicas que impone el régimen de...
Gran Bretaña: Debate sobre financiamiento de la educación superior
Parties divided on best way out of the HE funding impasse Nic Mitchell 21 June 2023 Clear blue water is starting to open up between the direction a future Labour government could be heading over funding higher education in England should they win the next general...
E Hazelkorn: Futuro de la educación terciaria
We need a dynamic new model for post-secondary education Ellen Hazelkorn 20 June 2023 Near universal participation in higher education has been a huge achievement for OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. As we look towards the...
Universidades de elite en Gran Bretaña y EEUU
What elite American universities can learn from Oxbridge US colleges could make themselves more meritocratic — but do they want to? Simon Kuper, JUNE 15 2023 Both the US and UK preselect their adult elites early, by admitting a few 18-year-olds into brandname...
50 años: las universidades en Chile 1973-2023
No. 719, junio de 2023, pp. 45-48. LAS UNIVERSIDADES EN CHILE: PREGUNTAS ABIERTAS Las universidades del 1973 extraviaron su propio equilibrio interno, se desbordaron y tornaron militantes, y terminaron arrolladas, intervenidas, silenciadas y aplastadas por un golpe de...
Alex Usher: El futuro de la educación superior
The Far Future June 7, 2023 | Alex Usher Occasionally, I get asked about why higher education will look like in forty or fifty years. I usually beg off this kind of thing because predictions over that length of time aren’t very meaningful. I mean, will AI have an...
Mal uso de datos en la investigación
How Shoddy Data Becomes Sensational Research Academics are addicted to p-hacking, data torturing, and other statistical sins. By Gary Smith JUNE 6, 2023 Over the past 20 years, a wave of improbable-sounding scientific research has come under the microscope. Are Asian...
China: dilema de los graduados
China’s Young People Can’t Find Jobs. Xi Jinping Says to ‘Eat Bitterness.’ With youth unemployment at a record, the Communist Party is trying to reset expectations about social mobility by talking up the virtue of hardship. By Li Yuan Published May 30,...
Simon Schama: Rol de la historia y los historiadores
Simon Schama: ‘Do you think I’d be allowed to write that book now?’ As his new book on pandemics is published, the UK’s best-known historian tells Matthew Reisz that identity politics is inhibiting history, nationalism only intensifies during global crises, and a...
Financiamiento basado en el desempeño
MAY 26, 2023 | ALEX USHER The World of Higher Education Podcast Performance-Based Funding in Europe If you’re in North America, you know that one of the perennial debates in higher education finance is about the efficacy of performance-based funding, or PBF, with the...
Asia: Empleabilidad de graduados
Are universities to blame for rising youth unemployment in Asia? The rise of Asian higher education has coincided with...
Cómo hacer quen las cosas esté cada día un poco peor
One Thought to Start Your Day NOVEMBER 4, 2024 | ALEX USHER Enshittification as Strategy Many of you seem amused by my...
Republicanos de Trump: ¿terminarán con el ministerio de educación?
Republicans Could Abolish the Education Department. How Might That Work? Trump and his allies want to dismantle the...
UNESCO: Recientes informes
251 millones de niños y jóvenes siguen sin escolarizar pese a décadas de progreso (informe de la UNESCO) La población...