Estados Unidos

Ranking mundial 2013 del Times Higher Education

  Top universities by reputation 2013 Hoy se ha dado a conocer el Ranking global de universidades según las opiniones recogidas en una encuesta de  reputaciones institucionales y los datos "duros" administrados por THE y Thomson Reuters. Más abajo pinchar para...

Empleadores frente a los graduados en los EEUU

The Employment Mismatch A College Degree Sorts Job Applicants, but Employers Wish It Meant More Internships Make the Difference For some employers, on-the-job experience may matter more than a student's major or grade-point average. By Karin Fischer, The Chronicle of...

Educación antes del colegio

Getting Preschool Education Right New York Times February 15, 2013 Even before the cost estimates and program details have been made public, President Obama’s proposal for expanding high-quality preschool education has encountered criticism from House Republicans. Yet...


    Documento de María José Ramírez, publicado en la  SABER working paper series, Tertiary Education, del Banco Mundial.   ©2012 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/TheWorldBank 1818HStreetNW Washington DC...