Estados Unidos

Evaluación de docentes: discusión en EEUU

This Teacher Evaluation Trend Was the Reform Du Jour. Now States Are Backing Away Florida stopped requiring districts to do it in 2017. The New Jersey Department of Education announced in August that it was reducing its reliance on the practice. And, 20 years after it...

Reacciones frente a digitalización educacional

MARK ZUCKERBERG Rebelión contra Zuckerberg en colegios de EE UU Padres de alumnos piden la retirada de un programa de la fundación del creador de Facebook basado en las pantallas sin casi presencia del profesor PABLO GUIMÓN Washington 30 JUN 2019 - 19:14 CEST Dos...

Dosier: Posmodernismo y las humanidades

The Birth, Death, and Rebirth of Postmodernism No other idea from the humanities had so massive, if murky, an influence. What was Postmodernism? In the 35 years since Fredric Jameson’s New Left Review essay “Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism” —...

El concepto de meritocracia bajo fuego cruzado

Opinion The Meritocracy Is Under Siege Are we merely reproducing privilege or is there something to salvage in the system we have now? By Thomas B, June 12, 2019 The debate over meritocracy has been intensifying. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Do we want it or don’t...

Mujeres economistas

Finance and economics Women in economics #EconomistsToo WASHINGTON, DC, March 23, 2019 A dispiriting survey—and our own investigations—demonstrated the poor treatment of female economists in America’s universities “Why is this an interesting question?” Éva Nagypál,...