Estados Unidos

1 millón estudiantes extranjeros en EEUU

Open Doors 2016: International Students in U.S. Top One Million for the First Time They Make Up Only 5 Percent of Students in U.S. Higher Education  More U.S. Students Study Abroad and Pursue Experiential Learning Overseas Strong growth among students in STEM fields...

Trump y la academia: dos culturas en contratse

A Humbling of Higher Ed By Jack Stripling NOVEMBER 11, 2016 PREMIUM The elites. The know-it-alls. The pointy-headed people. The safe-spacers and the trigger-warners. The politically correct. Named and unnamed, these became the targets of the presidential campaign of...

Libertad académica y Trump

AAUP warns Trump is national threat to academic freedom AUTHOR Jarrett Carter PUBLISHED Nov. 10, 2016 Dive Brief: The American Association of University Professors has issued a statement of rebuke for President Donald Trump, calling his election a threat to academic...

Nivel educacional y voto de Trump

How Voters’ Education Levels Factored Into Trump’s Win By Beckie Supiano NOVEMBER 10, 2016 On the heels of Donald J. Trump’s surprise victory in the presidential election, experts are, like the rest of us, still working to make sense of exactly what happened. A...

La academia es progre en los EEUU

Evidence of 'Liberal Academe' Study of public voter registration data shows that Democrats outnumber Republicans among social scientists, 11.5 to one. Does it matter? By Colleen Flaherty Inside HigherED, October 3, 2016 ECON JOURNAL WATCH Registered voter ratios,...

Ranking de US News & World Report

HIGHER ED New College Rankings Are Out: NPR Ed Rates The Rankings! September 13, 2016·6:00 AM ET ANYA KAMENETZ FacebookTwitter LA Johnson/NPR College presidents from High Point, N. C., to Laie, Hawaii, are sitting up a little straighter, because the 2017 U.S. News...