Harvard Should Say Less. Maybe All Schools Should By Noah Feldman and Alison Simmons, May 28, 2024 Dr. Feldman is a law professor and Dr. Simmons is a professor of philosophy, both at Harvard. Last fall, Harvard University’s leadership found itself at the center of a...
EEUU: Estimaciones del valor de la educación superior, ¿vale la pena?
Pew Research: Is college worth it? Yes, with caveats Nathan M Greenfield 31 May 2024 Almost one third of Americans do not believe that a college education is worth the cost and 47% believe it is worth it only if they don’t have to take out loans, says a new study by...
Deuda estudiantil en USA
Unchecked student debt will affect all areas of the economy F King Alexander 11 May 2024 To better understand the trillion-dollar student loan debt crisis in the United States which impacts nearly 45 million college attendees and graduates, taxpayers need to...
Más sobre Gaza en los campus de USA
Why Encampments Scare College Presidents They’re weighing free speech against safety — and risking escalation. By David Jesse, APRIL 26, 2024 The warnings were terse: Set up tents in violation of campus policies and the police will remove them. The images were...
Iliberalismo se toma agenda global de las universidades
New deceptions: How illiberalism is hijacking the university Jo-Anne Dillabough and Andrea Peto 04 May 2024 In recent weeks, the international press has reported a story about the often-masked role of nationally centralised higher education systems in seeking to...
Libertad académica y cancelación de los valores que la hacen posible
By imposing silence, universities betray their mission Jamil Salmi , emeritus professor of higher education policy at Diego Portales University, Chile, 26 April 2024 And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.” –...
Nuevo Rector de la Universidad de Stanford
Jonathan Levin, Dean of Business School, Is Stanford’s New President Dr. Levin faces the challenge of guiding the university through politically fraught times. Image Jonathan Levin has said that Stanford needs to “get out of the business of making statements on...
Discurso en la academia: Palestina e Israel
The Discourse Is Toxic. Universities Can Help. Oct. 30, 2023 By Amaney Jamal and Keren Yarhi-Milo Dr. Jamal is the dean of the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Yarhi-Milo is the dean of Columbia University’s School of International and Public...
La prohibición de conocer como principio educativo
Teaching Ignorance in Florida Prohibitions on knowledge draw attention to what they prohibit. By Peter Brooks FEBRUARY 6, 2024 “Teaching Ignorance”: That’s the title of a famous essay by the literary critic Barbara Johnson, published in a 1982 issue of Yale French...
Harvard y MIT: IA aplicada al acceso y retención
After pioneering edX, Harvard and MIT tackle online access afresh With Axim, elite university duo looks to aid innovation more than create it – and keep $800 million nest egg February 7, 2024 Paul Basken Access aids: Harvard and MIT promised to use proceeds of edX...
Estabilidad laboral de docentes
Abandono docente en la educación pública llega sólo a 4% anual y profesores se mantendrían 25 años en ejercicio ...
Bajo desempeño en lectura de estudiantes USA
American Children’s Reading Skills Reach New Lows With little post-pandemic recovery, experts wonder if screen time...
Nuevo estudio de Gregory Elacqua: rotación docente e incentivos monetarios
Teacher turnover is a major challenge for schools globally, particularly affecting disadvantaged students in urban...
La mesa técnica creada para el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE)
Los nudos expuestos durante la mesa técnica creada para mejorar el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE) Durante esta...