Chile: modernidad, política y educación superior
Marzo 14, 2008

Presentación de base empleada para la conversación en el Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation – Centro de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos , centro interuniversitario con sede en Amsterdam, viernes 14 marzo 2008, sobre el tema Chile: modernidad, política y educación superior.
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Sobre CEDLA, ver más abajo.
Recursos asociados
Coloquio sobre la marcha de la educación superior en Chile, 24 enero 2008
Mercados universitarios: El nuevo escenario de la educación superior, 20 noviembre 2007 [Libro, texto disponible]
El sistema de educación superior en Chile: un enfoque de economía política comparada, 16 noviembre 2007
Universidad y Sociedad en América Latina. 2da edición, 2007, 9 noviembre 2007 [libro, texto disponible]
Con ojos desapasionados. Ensayo sobre la cultura en el mercado, 12 noviembre 2005

CEDLAbuilding2.jpg Sobre el CEDLA
The inter-university Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA) was founded in 1964 at the University of Amsterdam.
In 1971 CEDLA became an inter-university institute with its activities carried out on a national scope.
The objectives of CEDLA are:
to carry out social science research on Latin America in the disciplines of cultural anthropology, economics, history, political science, human geography and sociology;
to further the effective coordination of social science research;
to extend and increase knowledge about the societies and cultures of Latin America;
to further scientific teaching on Latin America in the above-mentioned disciplines;
to collect books, journals and other source materials relevant to the study and documentation of Latin American themes within the social science.
An important task of CEDLA is to carry out social science research on Latin America. Six disciplines, cultural anthropology, economics, history, political science, human geography and sociology make up the research programme. Each major discipline is represented by at least one member of the CEDLA academic staff. The members of the CEDLA academic staff regularly carry out research and field work in Latin America. Every year a distinguished Latin American scholar is invited to take up a research fellowship here. CEDLA also employs a number of postgraduate students and provides facilities and accommodation for researchers who are funded by other organizations.
CEDLA research focuses on the processes of change in Latin America. Research is coordinated from within one overall programme, entitled Latin America: the International System and Internal Power Relations. The main points of the programme are:
the Latin American State, territorial identity, regional centres of power and political conflicts;
the development of a new position of Latin America in the world economy, taking into account the social, economic and political aspects.
Apart from internal discussions and staff-seminars, CEDLA organizes an international research-related workshop, one-day seminars and lectures each year.
Other activities
There is considerable and continuous contact at the research level with foreign universities and research institutes specializing in Latin America. Within the Netherlands, CEDLA is associated with the national research school CERES (Centro de Estudios de Recursos Ecológicos y Socioculturales, Utrecht University).
It also cooperates with the research school CNWS (Centre for Non-Western Studies, Leiden University).
At the national level, CEDLA acts as secretariat for the Netherlands Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Werkgemeenschap Latijns Amerika en het Caraïbisch Gebied – NALACS. It has as its objective the promotion of research on Latin America and the Caribbean in the social sciences and the humanities within an interdisciplinary framework.
From 1985 to 1988 CEDLA acted as the secretariat for the 46th International Congress of Americanists held in 1988 in Amsterdam.


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