No. 719, junio de 2023, pp. 45-48. LAS UNIVERSIDADES EN CHILE: PREGUNTAS ABIERTAS Las universidades del 1973 extraviaron su propio equilibrio interno, se desbordaron y tornaron militantes, y terminaron arrolladas, intervenidas, silenciadas y aplastadas por un golpe de...
Alex Usher: El futuro de la educación superior
The Far Future June 7, 2023 | Alex Usher Occasionally, I get asked about why higher education will look like in forty or fifty years. I usually beg off this kind of thing because predictions over that length of time aren’t very meaningful. I mean, will AI have an...
Mal uso de datos en la investigación
How Shoddy Data Becomes Sensational Research Academics are addicted to p-hacking, data torturing, and other statistical sins. By Gary Smith JUNE 6, 2023 Over the past 20 years, a wave of improbable-sounding scientific research has come under the microscope. Are Asian...
China: dilema de los graduados
China’s Young People Can’t Find Jobs. Xi Jinping Says to ‘Eat Bitterness.’ With youth unemployment at a record, the Communist Party is trying to reset expectations about social mobility by talking up the virtue of hardship. By Li Yuan Published May 30,...
Simon Schama: Rol de la historia y los historiadores
Simon Schama: ‘Do you think I’d be allowed to write that book now?’ As his new book on pandemics is published, the UK’s best-known historian tells Matthew Reisz that identity politics is inhibiting history, nationalism only intensifies during global crises, and a...
Financiamiento basado en el desempeño
MAY 26, 2023 | ALEX USHER The World of Higher Education Podcast Performance-Based Funding in Europe If you’re in North America, you know that one of the perennial debates in higher education finance is about the efficacy of performance-based funding, or PBF, with the...
IA, ¿cómo afectará a la educación superior? Especial del Chronicle of Higher Education
How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Higher Ed? ChatGPT is just the beginning. 12 scholars and administrators explain. THE REVIEW | FORUM, MAY 25, 2023 When ChatGPT made its public debut last year, the CEO of OpenAI, ChatGPT’s parent company, predicted that...
Gestión y especialización en las universidades
MAY 31, 2023 | ALEX USHER Economies of Scale and the Unmanageability of Universities I’ve recently had reason to ponder some of the mysteries of university management. I’ve concluded that it’s much harder to run a university in a moderately efficient fashion...
Unión Europea: Libertad de cátedra
El presidente de la Asociación de Universidades Europeas: “Vemos un deterioro de la libertad de cátedra en ciertos países” Josep Maria Garrell, exrector de la Universidad Ramon Llull, es el primer español que dirige la European University Association, que representa a...
Interesantes aplicaciones de IA a la educación superior
Five ways AI has already changed higher education Powerful new technologies are transforming the way universities operate, even before the impact of ChatGPT is truly felt Tom Williams Jack Grove, May 15, 2023 Since the emergence of ChatGPT – and its successor GPT-4 –...
Pilar Romaguera: Chile destaca en Ranking QS América Latina 2025
Chile destaca en Ranking QS América Latina 2025 Noviembre 27, 2024 Posted by: Pilar Romaguera Pilar Romaguera....
Fortalezas y debilidades del Sistema de Admisión Escolar: voces
"El SAE no es una tómbola": Expertos en educación abordan las fortalezas y debilidades del Sistema de Admisión Escolar...
Financiamiento de universidades estatales: voces
Presidente Consorcio de Universidades del Estado y “crisis financiera” universitaria: “La forma de financiamiento ha...
Del CAE al FES: una cuestión de incentivos
Del CAE al FES: una cuestión de incentivos Por : François Meunier, Economista, Profesor de finanzas (ENSAE – Paris), 2...