
Desafíos docentes durante la pandemia

COLUMN | COMMUNITY Students Are Struggling. They’re Asking Us to Slow Down and Focus on Relationships. By Kimberly Rues (Columnist)     Apr 5, 2021 A little more than a year ago, I remember sitting in meetings trying to figure out how we might do remote learning for a...

¿Las humanidades tienen un problema de marketing?

The Humanities Have a Marketing Problem The curriculum is stale. The majors are stale. Here’s a plan for reinvention. By Eric Hayot MARCH 22, 2021 The number of undergraduate majors in the humanities across the United States has been in steep decline since the 2007-8...

Llamado de la Coalición sobre Covid-19

Llamado de la Coalición sobre Covid-19 - "Es urgente recuperar el aprendizaje y bienestar de los estudiantes" Mar 10  |  Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente For English, click here.El 2020 marcó la historia del sector educativo en América Latina y el...

Pobreza extrema y educación en USA

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Newsletter   A family of four living on $27,000 per year is, according to the federal government, not living in poverty. In fact, a family of four is defined by the government as living in poverty only when they earn at most $26,500....