Altbach y de Wit sobre WHEC 20022

Research mission of universities – Missing from UNESCO roadmap Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit  04 June 2022 Does UNESCO think that the traditional research mission of universities is relevant in the 21st century? Apparently not. Beyond Limits: New ways to reinvent...

Universidades de aporte y servicio público

Universidades de aporte y servicio público por Arturo Hernández Sallés, Decano Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, UC de Temuco, 30 de mayo, 2022 En estos días, diversos autores han planteado en distintos medios orales o escritos la afirmación errónea de que...

Universidades de aporte y servicio público

Universidades de aporte y servicio público por Arturo Hernández Sallés, Decano Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, UC de Temuco, 30 de mayo, 2022 En estos días, diversos autores han planteado en distintos medios orales o escritos la afirmación errónea de que...

Estudios superiores en Corea del Norte

Is academic life in North Korea as strange and difficult as you think? Even universities in the hermit kingdom largely cut themselves off from the rest of the world. Yet those few Westerners with direct experience of them suggest that while critical inquiry is...

Ministro de Educación: Cuenta Pública 2022

Ministro de Educación presenta su Cuenta Pública Participativa: “Avanzaremos hacia un cambio de paradigma educativo” Lunes 30 de Mayo, 2022 Descargar -> Documento de Cuenta Pública 2022 El ministro de Educación, Marco Antonio Ávila, presentó este lunes la Cuenta...

USA: Liderazgos universitarios

What’s Behind the Surge in No-Confidence Votes? By Megan Zahneis MAY 18, 2022 Anyone following higher-education news in recent weeks has probably noticed a lot of votes of no confidence. Faculty Senate bodies at three campuses in the University of Maine system voted...

Nuevos paradigmas para la educación superior

New paradigm needed for future higher education – Michael Fung Nathan M Greenfield  19 May 2022 Dr Michael Fung, executive director of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, called on UNESCO’s World Higher Education Conference...

Involucramiento con la comunidad

Vinculación con el medio Measuring community engagement: The limitation of metrics Thomas Farnell  14 May 2022 Discussions about the societal impact of universities and their engagement with various societal actors are now commonplace around the world, notably in the...