
Informática en las escuelas peruanas

  BID publica hallazgos sobre Programa “One Laptop Per Child” en Perú (English)   Un estudio reciente sobre los beneficios del Programa One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) en Perú, para alumnos en zonas rurales, señala el potencial para y los límites del aprendizaje asociado...

Portal Internacional de Formación Docente

Circula la presentación del Portal Internacional de Formación Docente (http://itec-esp.macam.ac.il/portal) La cobertura del portal presenta en una sola base de datos, artículos recientes e investigaciones que han sido seleccionados de las revistas más importantes en...

Llamado a cambiar desde dentro la educación superior

Change From Within March 4, 2013 - 3:00am Paul Fain, Inside Higher Education, march 4, 2013 WASHINGTON – If higher education has a group of quintessential insiders, it’s probably the American Council on Education. Yet from a perch atop the higher education lobby’s...

Más críticas al ranking THE

Times Higher Education Reputation Rankings 2013 Posted on March 5, 2013 by Alex Usher   You’ll recall that yesterday, in reference to the orgy of hype that accompanies the annual release of the THE World Reputation Rankings, I made the point that universities’...

Nuevo Ranking del THE

The Paradox of University Rankings Posted on March 4, 2013 by Alex Usher   By the time you read this, the Times Higher Education’s annual Reputation Rankings will be out, and will be the subject of much discussion on Twitter and the Interwebs and such.  Much as I...

MOOCs: ¿tan impresionantes como se presentan?

The Future of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)   Alex Usher, HESA - Blog, February 28th, 2012The extent to which MOOCs will be a genuinely revolutionizing force in higher education is going to depend on three things:  their pedagogy, their ability to convert...