
Agenda de asuntos educacionales

Domingo 17 de abril de 2022 Agenda de asuntos educacionales Hay seis asuntos que demandan especial atención en el sector de educación. Por lo pronto, el verdadero desastre se habría producido en el terreno de los aprendizajes de infantes, niñas, niños y jóvenes por la...

Nuevo número de Revista de Educación de España

Núm. 396 (2022): Número 396. Abril-junio 2022 Publicado: 2022-03-30 Número completo  Número completo  Full issue (English) Investigaciones La Pedagogía ante el desfase prometeico del transhumanismo Fernando Gil Cantero  HTML  PDF (English)  HTML (English)  PDF...


REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR INÍCIO / ARQUIVOS / v. 9 (2023): Publicação Contínua v. 9 (2023): Publicação Contínua PUBLICADO: 2022-04-03 ARTIGOS A (in)existência de estudantes do gênero masculino no curso de pedagogiapor que eles desistem? Josiane Peres...

Futuro de las universidad rusas

Universities in Russia face a dramatic turning point John Aubrey Douglass and Igor Chirikov  31 March 2022 The invasion and brutal attack by Russian forces on Ukraine has brought tremendous suffering to millions of Ukrainians, including those in the higher education...

Ensayo de evaluación para el aprendizaje

Students encouraged to message each other during exams Academics experiment with allowing undergraduates to text each other during assessments, and get positive response March 31, 2022 Tom Williams Texting between students in exams should not be banned but rather...

La enseñanza de las ingenierías

View as Webpage One Thought to Start Your Day Innovations in Engineering Education March 30, 2022 | Alex Usher and Jonathan McQuarrie Today HESA is releasing the fifth edition of our publication Monitoring Trends in Academic Programs, written by Jonathan...

Evaluar la investigación: debate europeo

Target talk splits European research assessment reformers  Culture change becomes a numbers game as agreement drafters try to pin down progress without spooking major players March 30, 2022 Ben Upton Twitter: @benwupton European efforts to reform research assessment...