En este boletín se analiza la responsabilidad sobre la administración de la formación docente para la ESTP y grado de especificidad de las reglamentaciones sobre las características estipuladas para esta formación. Se examinan los sistemas de formación docente...
EligeEducar: Estudiantes migrantes en Chile
Ver el Boletín de Investigación aquí: boletin-migrantes (pdf) Desde los años 1990, y tras la recuperación de la democracia, Chile ha experimentado un aumento sostenido de la inmigración internacional producto del buen devenir político y económico del país...
Conversaciones con impacto: Educación – Mañana jueves 23 de abril
Evaluación y notas en tiempos de Covid-19: Caso de EEUU
How Has Grading Changed Since Coronavirus Forced Classes Online? Often, It Depends on the Professor By Emma Dill APRIL 13, 2020 As Jenny Davidson tracked the news early last month about the coronavirus, it began to seem inevitable: Her university would move...
¿Cuál es el debate que espera a las universidades cuando retorno alguna forma de normalidad?
How Should Colleges Prepare for a Post-Pandemic World? Anticipate and plan for change rather than merely hope that it will not arrive. By Brian Rosenberg APRIL 13, 2020 PREMIUM If one were to invent a crisis uniquely and diabolically designed to undermine the...
Pandemia y educación superior: balance de los cambios en curso
How Will the Pandemic Change Higher Education? Professors, administrators, and staff on what the coronavirus will leave in its wake. April 10, 2020 PREMIUM (c) Joan Wong for The Chronicle The coronavirus crisis has — in what seems like an instant — upended much of...
Covid-19 y perdida de aprendizajes: foco en equidad
Equity-Focused Approaches to Learning Loss during COVID-19 APRIL 16, 2020 Karen Mundy and Susannah Hares Follow With an estimated 91.3 percent or 1.57 billion students out of school worldwide, ministers of education are executing their plans for school during...
El costo del Covid-19 para la educación
What price will education pay for COVID-19? 30 march 2020 As the world comes to terms with the scale and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of the global population is rightly taking priority over education for the time being. For today’s students, the...
Educación a distancia: cuatro opciones
School, interrupted: 4 options for distance education to continue teaching during COVID-19 Take a look at the four most common distance technology for contractors, donors and educators who find themselves needing to explore distance-learning options, with a particular...
Unesco entrevista ministro de educación de Chile
¿Cómo enfrenta Chile la emergencia educativa ante el COVID-19? La UNESCO entrevista a Raúl Figueroa, ministro de Educación Entrevista puede escucharse aquí English version En un momento en el que más de 1.500 millones de estudiantes se encuentran...
Fatídico uno por ciento
Fatídico uno por ciento "Ambas partes recurren al programa como a un fetiche, del que una abomina y la otra venera"....
Matemáticas: universal o (neo)colonial
Does indigenous knowledge have a place in mathematics? Acknowledging Aboriginal intellectual traditions could ‘bring...
Ranking de universidades con menos de 50 años
Overall rank is calculated from scores for 13 different performances indicators, grouped into five categories:...
Más sobre Gaza en los campus de USA
Why Encampments Scare College Presidents They’re weighing free speech against safety — and risking escalation....