
Posgrado en España

Seminario "El postgrado en España" Entre los meses de marzo y diciembre de 2021, se llevó a cabo el Seminario en línea “El postgrado en España” por iniciativa de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) y la Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria de...

Universidades y el Día de la Mujer

SPECIAL EDITION Gender equality has come a long way since International Women’s Day was founded 111 years ago. In many ways, universities have been a positive force in this journey. But there is still far to go. Our new data-led report marking International Women’s...

La universidad en la guerra de Ucrania

War Is the Enemy of Education Ukrainian universities close, and Putin cracks down on Russian scholars. By Ani Kokobobo MARCH 7, 2022 All university activities have ceased in Ukraine. No classes, no research, no students, no staff, no faculty. Professors from the Kyiv...

Conversación con M. Sandel sobre democracia

The Dark Side Of Meritocracy What began as a principle that seemed to offer an alternative to inequality has become instead a justification for inequality, argues Michael Sandel. Billy Clark for Noema Magazine INTERVIEWFUTURE OF DEMOCRACY DECEMBER 7, 2021...

Francia: ¿reformas de ser elegido Macron?

French universities eye ‘disruptive project’ if Macron re-elected Current administration has pushed through important reforms, but reorganising a complex sector around universities will be a tougher sell February 24, 2022 Universities are confident a re-elected...

Andrés Bernasconi, Presidente CNA

Presidente Piñera designa al académico Andrés Bernasconi como nuevo presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación Profesor titular y abogado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Bernasconi fue designado junto a Juan Cristóbal Silva, quien asumirá como...