Vision global sobre la educación superior en el Times Higher Education
Agosto 10, 2015

12 things you should read if you’re interested in global higher education

From the most international universities in the world to how demographic change will shape 21st-century higher education

July 31 2015
By THE reporters

Times Higher Education covers the issues that academics and university decision-makers around the world need to be aware of week in, week out – in our news pages, through in-depth features filed from around the world, and in opinion articles from those working in universities.

Not sure where to start? Here are 12 things that everyone with an interest in global higher education should read:

The secrets of the world’s number one university: a focus on Caltech
THE’s rankings editor Phil Baty looks at how such a tiny institution creates such outsized impact

The 100 most international universities in the world
THE’s trusted World University Rankings reveal the most outward-looking institutions

How demographic change will shape 21st century higher education – an analysis by world-leading human geographer Professor Danny Dorling
The Oxford scholar looks at how population change influences the shape and direction of higher education in fundamental ways

Financial models, technology, demography
A THE guide to the five factors that will disrupt higher education in the next decade

The Australian experiment: what happens when you allow unlimited student places?
Analysis by vice-chancellors, administrators, academics and students

Is West still best?
Our assessment of China’s surge to global prominence in higher education – how it’s doing it, and whether it will work

Singapore focus: the story behind one of the world’s most successful ‘higher education hubs’
An on-location report from the island state on the questions facing its burgeoning academy

How mobile and Moocs could change Africa’s fortunes
Could mobile technology be the key to unlocking the power of higher education in Africa?

A different model: the story of a co-operative university in the Basque Country
We report from Spain on the University of Mondragon

Indian expansion: how will it achieve plans to add 10 million student places without affecting quality?
Can India’s higher education sector expand while maintaining a focus on standards?

A guide to working as a Western lecturer in Japan
Susan K. Burton looks back at her time teaching at Japanese universities

Brazil: the global partner of choice?
A THE analysis of Brazil’s positioning as a research powerhouse


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