Llamado a presentar ponencias para la Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2015
Julio 14, 2014

Call For Proposals

The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) seeks submissions for its 59th Annual Conference, taking place from March 8-13, 2015 at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.  The 2015 CIES Planning Committee welcomes quality paper, panel, poster and workshop proposals relating to the conference theme. Proposals not directly related to this conference theme but addressing issues of relevance to comparative and international education may also be submitted for consideration.

Generally, education systems continue to contribute to the reproduction of existing structures of socio-economic inequalities with respect to class, race, gender and other dimensions of social differentiation.  As a result curricula, classrooms and community rarely intersect, especially in the developing world.

Ubuntu! Imagining a Humanist Education Globally is the theme of the 59th CIES conference in Washington, D.C, March 8-13, 2015.  The substance of collective ethos captured in Ubuntu is shared across the African continent and beyond.  The specific term was popularized by various authors including the novelist, scholar, and journalist Jordan Kush Ngubane in the 1950s and more recently by public figures such as Nelson Mandela articulating a society and world of inclusiveness and equality.

This conference theme explores an imagined future where education is a moral enterprise that develops and shapes minds to embrace humanism that is separable from socio-economic equality, which defines the world as a complex whole, an interconnected and interdependent ecosystem of diverse humans, nature and the planet.  This vision of humanist education is in harmony with Ubuntu, which inspires a multiplicity of worldviews, indigenous epistemologies and ideological schools of thought in a world that is inclusive while fostering autonomy and humanity.  It is conceived to guide academics, policymakers and practitioners and learners in different locations.

While education has been an instrument for reproducing certain inequalities as it may not encourage and enable people to struggle for social transformation, even carefully designed colonial education that was intended to subordinate colonized peoples in different parts of the world produced critical thinkers and activists who questioned and helped to topple formal colonial domination.  More broadly, we should be able to imagine education that is designed to promote values of mutually beneficial cooperation whereby even competition would mean striving toward achieving the greater good to enhance our shared humanity.

To imagine an education fostering a future that reflects Ubuntu is to engage in a process of deconstruction of the prevailing modernist epistemologies that tend to separate the heart and mind.  The re-imagined vision of education will be the regenerative space for positive social change.  The 2015 conference offers an opportunity to reflect on and contribute to the exciting possibilities of an Ubuntu-inspired education, embodying a philosophical, pedagogical and curricula framework that is emancipatory, cultured, transformative, localized and empowering for all humanity and the globe.

As a professional society on education in its comparative and international dimensions CIES invites all participants including educators in general with a special call to researchers, policymakers, practitioners, representatives of international organizations, local and global non-governmental organizations and members of civil society to share their insights and experiences and offer forward-looking collective deliberations.

We also urge participants to contribute to tackling theoretical, empirical, and practical questions in the critical examination of existing systems of learning and testing at the local and global levels, the limits as well as the possibilities of established quantitative and qualitative methods with careful consideration of indigenous epistemologies. Let Washington, D.C. in 2015 become the site where we reflect and rededicate ourselves to the search for new directions in education by engaging Ubuntu-inspired education for humanity across the world.

Submission Guidelines

The purpose of the CIES Conference is to encourage dialogue and discussion, promote and disseminate high quality research in the comparative education field and provide an opportunity to share and analyze “best” practices and models in applied educational settings. To achieve this goal, we encourage proposals that are theoretically oriented, based on evidence, and discuss old or new inquiries and initiatives in comparative and international education.

Submission Categories

Proposals can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Individual papers
  • Individual posters
  • Group poster sessions
  • Group panel sessions
  • Workshops

All proposals should contribute to the advancement of theory, practice, methodology or fieldwork in comparative and international education.

For more information about each proposal format, visit www.cies2015.org and click on the 2015 conference link.

Submission Deadlines

The submission system opens on June 30, 2014, and closes on December 1, 2014 at 11:59pm US Pacific Time. No late submissions will be accepted.

The early bird deadline is October 6, 2014. The final deadline for all submitted proposals is December 1, 2014.  Proposals should be electronically submitted through the CIES online submission system (http://convention2.allacademic.com/one/cies/cies15/), and comply with the requirements detailed in the guidelines below. Proposals that do not comply with these requirements will not be considered for inclusion in the program.

Decisions regarding proposals submitted will be communicated by email.

General Policies

a) Membership: CIES membership is required to present at the CIES 2015 Conference. If you are not currently a member of CIES, please take a few minutes and become a member.
Membership includes annual subscription to Comparative Education Review and a discount on the conference registration fee.

b) Participant attendance requirement: All authors of accepted papers and all participants in panel sessions are expected to attend the CIES conference and be present at the scheduled session. If an emergency or other circumstance prevents an author from attending the CIES Meeting, s/he should immediately notify the CIES 2015 Program Chair at [email protected].

c) Participation limit: To allow as many conference attendees to present as possible:

  • Individuals may submit only one proposal for an individual, poster, or panel presentation.
  • An individual may appear as a presenter only once in the final program, with the exception of special invited sessions, presentations, or for New Scholars Committee Dissertation Mentorship Workshop or Publication Workshop participants. Another exception can be made for those who are listed as non-presenter in multi-authored papers or as another invited role, such as: discussant, non-presenting session chair or participant in special events.
  • To avoid duplication of presentation content, individuals with multiple roles may not present the same material in different sessions; however, this rule does not apply to New Scholars Committee Dissertation or Publication workshops.
  • Final decisions on the limits to individual participation in the annual meeting will be made at the discretion of the program committee.

d) Equipment: Standard presentation equipment (LCD and overhead projectors and PowerPoint-equipped PCs) will be available for all sessions. Presentation slides and electronic materials must be formatted to be compatible with PC / Microsoft Windows. Presentations must be saved to your own personal “memory stick” and be ready to upload prior to your presentation.

e) Proposal review and selection process: All submitted proposals will be peer reviewed by experienced scholars and advanced doctoral students in the field of comparative/international education.

Location and Logistics

The CIES 59th Annual Conference will take place at the Washington Hilton Hotel on 1919 Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. Information regarding logistics for arrival, accommodation options, registration fees and procedures will be provided and updated in upcoming weeks.  Please visit the conference website www.cies2015.org for regular updates.

For More Information

The CIES 2015 Conference Planning Committee looks forward to your participation in the 59th Annual Conference. For more information, please email [email protected]

Click here to download this in PDF Form. Copyright © 2014 Comparative and International Education Society, All rights reserved.
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