Internacionalización de la educación superior en América Latina
Septiembre 6, 2005

content-download.jpgAcaba de aparecer el libro Higher Education in Latin America. The International Dimension, publicado por el Banco Mundial y editado por Hans De Wit, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, Jocely Gacel-Avila y Jane Knight. Contiene artículos sobre la internacionalización de la enseñanza superior en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, México y Perú. Asimismo, cuatro artículos de marco: sobre la internacionalización de la enseñanza superior, sobre los desafíos que enfrenta la educación superior en América Latina, sobre los actores y programas claves y uno de análisis de tendencias a partir de los estudios de casos.
Artículo asociado al tema: El Proceso Bolonia y la educación superior en América Latina, de Salvador Malo, publicado en la Revista Foreign Affairs en español, Abril-Junio 2005
Breve bibliografía sobre internacionalización de la educación superior; Center for International Higher Education,Boston College.
Sitio de interés: Directions for Scholarship: Readings; Flexible Learning Center, University of South Australia

Resumen del libro proporcionado por el Banco Mundial
The international dimension of higher education is a theme that is getting more priority on the agenda of institutions of higher education, national governments, and regional and international organizations. The globalization of our economies and societies has an impact on our higher education sector, in the same way as higher education through its research, teaching and services influences this process of globalization.
In Latin America, internationalization is getting recognized as an important phenomenon that is influencing the direction of its education and society. Little though is known about the development of this process, and what are the trends, issues and opportunities for the internationalization of higher education in Latin American countries and the region as a whole. This book looks at the Latin American way in which the international dimension is evolving, recognizing the specific cultural, linguistic, political and economic characteristics of the region and each of its individual countries and institutions of higher education.
Higher Education in Latin America: The International Dimension provides a comparative analysis of internationalization issues, trends and opportunities in higher education in selected Latin American countries at the institutional, national and regional level. These countries include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Peru. The book addresses the specific elements of the internationalization process, such as mobility, curriculum, linkages, networks, etc. but instead of looking at them in detail they are presented as part of a more comprehensive overview of policies, programs and activities at all three levels.


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