El creador del informe PISA: “La educación en España prepara a los alumnos para un mundo que ya no existe” Andreas Schleicher, director del área educativa de la OCDE, respalda la reforma del Gobierno y ve “impresionante” cómo la escuela española ha resistido la...
Universidades mejores del mundo dirigidas por mujeres
One-fifth of the world’s top universities led by women Number of female vice-chancellors at high-ranking institutions has reached new milestone based on THE World University Rankings data March 5, 2021 Ellie Bothwell View the full list of the top universities led by...
UK universities forced to innovate in fight for survival
UK universities forced to innovate in fight for survival Bethan Staton in London and Chris Tighe in Newcastle, FINANCIAL TIMES, July 28, 2020 At the University of Sunderland, the coronavirus lockdown has brought an opportunity. Responding to a potential fall in...
Educación superior técnico profesional la más golpeada dentro de países OECD
Lockdown hits vocational education hardest, widening inequalities Universities and colleges offering hands-on training have found it harder to shift online, hurting their students, who are more likely to be from less-advantaged families David Matthews,July 28, 2020 It...
Hoy se dio a conocer el OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2020 Issue 1 : Preliminary version
Editorial: After the lockdown, a tightrope walk toward recovery The spread of Covid-19 has shaken people’s lives around the globe in an extraordinary way, threatening health, disrupting economic activity, and hurting wellbeing and jobs. Since our last Economic Outlook...
¿Cuánto gastan los países desarrollados en Investigación dentro de las Universidades?
These countries spend the most on university research With the collaboration ofStatista 05 Nov 2019 Niall McCarthyData Journalist, Statista The World Economic Forum COVID Action Platform Explore the latest strategic trends, research and analysis The United States is...
Financiamiento de universidades en tiempos de Covid-19
COMPARATIVE BAILOUTS MAY 5, 2020 | ALEX USHER Following yesterday’s discussion re: how we might want to ask for money, I thought it would be useful to look at how other national governments are responding to post-secondary pleas for help. For obvious reasons, the...
Apoyo financiero a universidades a propósito del Covid-19
Comparative Bailout ay 5th, 2020 - Alex Usher Following yesterday’s discussion re: how we might want to ask for money, I thought it would be useful to look at how other national governments are responding to post-secondary pleas for help. For obvious reasons, the...
Dinámicas globales de la educación con el Covid-19
The COVID-19 Pandemic Changes Global Dynamics in Education May 4, 2020 By Nutsa Kobakhidze With the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing mega-experiment in distant learning demonstrates that no country has been properly prepared for such a challenge. Schools and...
OECD: Educación y Covid-19
Coronavirus school closures: What do they mean for student equity and inclusion? OECD Education and Skills TodayApril 16, 2020coronavirus, education, equity, inequity, social inclusion Post By Lucie Cerna Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills The current...
Crisis de financiamiento en las universidades inglesas
Slow cuts or risk lasting harm, staff warn stricken universities Institutions ‘caught between a rock and hard place’...
Colombia: Conversación sobre estado de su educación superior
Colombia's Higher Ed Utopia or Illusion? Insights with Javier Botero Watch on Youtube Listen to the Podcast Latin...
La utilidad (sic) de las humanidades
The Hidden Utility of the Liberal Arts Why they often fail to make their case, and how they can. Bridging the...
Estabilidad laboral de docentes
Abandono docente en la educación pública llega sólo a 4% anual y profesores se mantendrían 25 años en ejercicio ...