Brunner critica nueva Ley de educación superior: “No asegura la autonomía de las universidades y fija controles engorrosos” Autor: Michel Nahas B. Mie 30 May 2018 | 01:59 pm A juicio del ex ministro Secretario General de Gobierno (1994-1998) la ley que ayer comenzó a...
Sociedad auditada
Critical Friends June 1st, 2018 - Alex Usher A few times a year I get asked to help with the drafting a university or college’s strategic plan. Usually nothing major: a little bit of environmental scanning, talking about industry trends, that kind of thing. I think...
Revista Higher Learning Research Communications, June 2018
Published: 2018-01-22 Masthead Masthead i PDF From the Editor Letter From the Editor ii PDF Invited Articles Evaluation of Academic Competencies Through Standardized Instruments Gema Santiago Gómez, Sara Redondo Duarte, Oscar Garcia López 1–15 PDF Articles Student...
Alex Usher sobre el proceso de Bolonia: ¿que quedó?
What's Left of the Bologna Process May 30th, 2018 - Alex Usher Last week, Ministers responsible for higher education from the 48 countries, constituting the members of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), met in Paris for the regular triennial “Bologna Process...
Graduados según regiones del mundo y países en el futuro
educationtoday blog Where will tomorrow's graduates come from? Posted: 24 May 2018 03:07 AM PDT By Marie-Helene Doumet Senior Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills Knowledge has become the new currency of today’s economy. Digitalisation, technological...
Perspectiva global de mayo 1998
Spirit of 1968: global perspectives on the student revolution While the Sorbonne was at the epicentre of the 1968 protests, the shock waves were felt far beyond France, with students occupying Peking and UC Berkeley at the same time. A group of academics revisit the...
Japón: evolución de la educación superior (III)
Better Know a Higher Ed System: Japan (Part 3) May 24th, 2018 - Alex Usher Japan is one of the world’s most hierarchical societies. You could have a pretty good argument about whether or not this is an artefact of the Tokugawa bakufu of the 17 th century or if it...
Japón: evolución de la educación superior (II)
Better Know a Higher Ed System May 22nd, 2018 - Alex Usher We all know that Japan is a technological leader, right? An “innovation nation”? And we all know innovation comes from universities, right? So Japanese universities must be kind of god-like in their...
La historia del (exitoso) sistema de educación superior de EEUU
The Exceptionalism of American Higher Education May 17, 2018 DAVID F. LABAREEEvery major performance indicator has America's universities leading the world. Unfortunately for those who seek to emulate the US system, the American model reflects unique historical,...
Ranking de universidades españolas
La Autónoma de Barcelona y la de Navarra encabezan el último ‘ranking’ de universidades españolas Cataluña y País Vasco son las comunidades que más destacan en una clasificación que mide investigación, docencia o impacto internacional PILAR ÁLVAREZ, Madrid 9 MAY 2018...
Manuel Gil Antón: La educación entre 2018 y 2024: la respuesta de la oposición
La educación entre 2018 y 2024: la respuesta de la oposición (Parte 6) Por: Manuel Gil Antón (Colaboración para El...
Higher education governance as a social contract: Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean
Brunner, J.J., Alarcón, M. Higher education governance as a social contract: Challenges for Latin America and the...
Un decano de Harvard habla sobre docencia y la universidad
Eric Mazur, decano de Harvard: “El fracaso es imprescindible en el aprendizaje y las notas lo estigmatizan” El físico...
Ceremonia de nombramiento como Profesor Emérito
Inicio/ Noticias/ José Joaquín Brunner es distinguido como Profesor Emérito UDP JOSÉ JOAQUÍN BRUNNER ES DISTINGUIDO...