
Ranking global THES: universidades chilenas

Universidad de Oxford encabeza el listado de Times Higher Education: Dos universidades chilenas están dentro de las 500 mejores, según ranking mundial de investigación La U. del Desarrollo y la U. Diego Portales lideran entre las 16 casas de estudio del país que...

Experiencia y ética del lugar

EXPERIENCIA Y ÉTICA DEL LUGAR: UNA PERSPECTIVA INTERDISCIPLINARIA Seminario Intensivo 13 y 14 de noviembre de 2018 Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes Conferencistas: Dr. Jeff Malpas, University of Tasmania, Australia Dr. Sergio Mansilla,...

Ranking THES 2019

World University Rankings 2019: results announced China is now home to the best university in Asia, while France’s Sorbonne University is the highest-ranked newcomer in the table September 26, 2018  By Ellie Bothwell Browse the full results of the World University...

International Higher Education

International Higher Education NO 95: FALL 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS FULL ISSUE Full issue PDF 1-36 INTERNATIONALIZATION AND TRANSNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Internationalization of Higher Education: Past and Future Jane Knight, Hans de Wit PDF 2-4 Battle of the Brand:...

Gratuidad focalizada: tendencia internacional

TARGETED FREE TUITION: A GLOBAL ANALYSIS SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 | ALEX USHER Good morning, all. Today, HESA is publishing (jointly, with the Higher Education Policy Institute in London, England) a paper entitled, Targeted Free Tuition: A Global Analysis. This paper is the...

La experiencia de los profesores cuenta

Why experience matters in teaching Posted: 19 Sep 2018 03:12 AM PDT By Francisco Avvisati, Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills It often takes years of reflective practice to master complex, non-routine jobs. And few jobs today are more sophisticated and...

Escritura y nuevas tecnologías en los colegios

How technology is enabling new ways of writing Posted: 17 Sep 2018 08:35 AM PDT by Joshua Polchar Policy Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills We could be on the brink of a fundamental change in how we produce and use written material. Changes and improvements...