
Francia: ¿Reforma sus universidades?

Left Bank Choosiness February 14th, 2018 - Alex Usher To Paris, where a couple of big changes in education policy have led to student demonstrations.  Not particularly large or effective demonstrations (not yet, anyway), but significant nonetheless. The first - and...

Nuevo Rector de Harvard

Harvard Picks Former Tufts President as Its New Leader By Andy Thomason and Adam Harris FEBRUARY 11, 2018 Bill Sikes, AP Images Lawrence Bacow Harvard University has chosen for its 29th president a veteran leader of elite colleges. Lawrence S. Bacow, a former...

Sciences Po – Paris en la huella de Macron

Macron Efecto French president's alma mater sees surge in international applications. By Jack Grove for Times Higher Education February 9, 2018 Emmanuel Macron’s rapid rise to France’s presidency was always likely to raise the international profile of his alma mater....

Las promesas rotas en ayudas a la educación

COLUMNA Las promesas rotas en ayudas a la educación Con 39.500 millones de dólares al año, todos los niños podrían ir a clase desde preescolar hasta secundaria JEFFREY SACHS, 26 ENE 2018 - 15:08 CET La Alianza Mundial para la Educación (AME), una loable iniciativa que...

Ecpnomista cuestiona utilidad de la educación

An Economist Argues That Our Education System Is Largely By Scott Carlson JANUARY 29, 2018 Copyright © 2018 The Chronicle of Higher Education Economics, it has been said, is the dismal science, and Bryan Caplan is pessimistic indeed. A professor of economics at George...

Malograda ley de educación superior

Malograda ley de educación superior La nueva normativa deja múltiples cabos sueltos, es confusa, generará roces y contradicciones, y necesitará enmendarse mientras se aplica para evitar daños. José Joaquín Brunner 3 de febrero de 2018 Con gran premura terminó...

La tiranía de la métrica académica

The quest to quantify everything undermines higher education By Jerry Z. Muller JANUARY 21, 2018 Tim Foley, for The Chronicle Review Copyright © 2018 The Chronicle of Higher Education A cultural pattern has become ubiquitous in recent decades, engulfing an...

Laureate y su política corporativa para 2018

Laureate Shifts Focus Global education giant Laureate sells off some international institutions and refocuses on emerging markets. By Ashley A. Smith January 31, 2018 It was nearly a year ago that Laureate Education, a public benefit company that owns the nation’s...

OECD: Educación y competencias siglo XXI

 education today blog   How to prepare students for the complexity of a global society Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:30 AM PST by Anthony Jackson, Director, Center for Global Education at Asia Society Andreas Schleicher, Director, Directorate for Education and Skills In...

¿Dónde ha quedado la política científica?

TRIBUNA ¿Dónde ha quedado la política científica? El autor cree que en los últimos seis años "toda reivindicación científica ha desaparecido de la agenda política" BORJA SÁNCHEZ 8 ENE 2018 - 12:07 CET Hace un par de días leía la siguiente noticia en el Facebook de Por...