
Conferencia 2014 sobre Advanced Education and Management

Welcome to 2014 International Conference on Advanced Education and Management[ICAEM2014] Jan.04~Jan.05,2014  Beijing, China The 2014 International Conference on Advanced Education and Management [ICAEM2014] aims to bring researchers, engineers, and students to the...

Taller sobre Políticas de Educación Superior

Taller sobre Políticas de Educación Superior dictada en el  Magíster en Liderazgo y Gestión Educativa de la UDP, 15 de junio de 2013.   Bajar la Presentación del curso aquí <PDF> Presentación Descripción Este programa de Magíster ofrece un aprendizaje...

Tratando de evaluar la efectividad de los MOOCs

New Research Effort Aims to Examine Effectiveness of MOOCs     By Sara Grossman, June 10, 2013, 3:20 pm   As more and more colleges experiment with massive open online courses, or MOOCs, a new project hopes to cut through the hype and gauge the...

Escolarización no es educación

El colega Jeff Puryear nos informa que se ha dado a conocerel estudio titulado Schooling Is Not Education! Using Assessment to Change the Politics of Non-Learning, de Lant Pritchett and Rukmini Banerji, chairs, Charles Kenny, project director. A Report of the Center...

Nuevo libro de interes sobre educación comparativa

PISA, Power, and Policy the emergence of global educational governance Edited by HEINZ-DIETER MEYER & AARON BENAVOT 2013 paperback 336 pages US$56.00 ISBN 978-1-873927-96-0 IN STOCK NOW   FREE delivery on all orders All books are sent AIRMAIL worldwide Click here...

QS Ranking de Universidades 2013

  QS University Rankings: Latin America Established in 2011, the QS University Rankings: Latin America ranks the region’s top 300 universities. The ranking methodology is based on seven key indicators, selected to reflect regional strengths and priorities. The...