
Incentivos financieros e investigación

Global drive for more open, rigorous research is growing Karen MacGregor  08 May 2023 There is growing pushback against research systems driven by financial rewards for exciting findings, at the expense of rigour and integrity. The Open Science Framework for...

Crisis del pensamiento liberal

Al liberalismo le crecen los enanos (a izquierda y derecha) Los conservadores le acusan de olvidar los vínculos con las comunidades nacionales mientras los progresistas le afean que haya dejado atrás la igualdad entre personas y grupos sociales FERNANDO...

Desconfianza y crítica al CPT

Researchers embracing ChatGPT are like turkeys voting for Christmas The technology threatens to impoverish research and destroy humans’ ability to understand the social world, says Dirk Lindebaum Dirk Lindebaum, May 2, 2023 Since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of...

Educación superior en India

Realism about Indian Higher Education Philip G. Altbach Abstract Indian higher education is open- ing to the world, but there are many aspects of the world’s second largest system that need to be understood by the global community. A stress on expansion has prevented...