Higher education Universities challenged Barack Obama wants degrees to be better value for money The Economist, Aug 31st 2013 | CHICAGO |From the print...
Tendencias tecnológicas y el futuro de la educación superior
12 tech trends higher education cannot afford to ignore Education Dive, July 31, 2013 By Davide Savenije Higher education faces an onslaught of disruptive forces right now—and no one should be suprised to hear that news. Burgeoning technologies such as MOOCs...
EEUU: Severo juicio sobre formación de profesores
June 18, 2013 'An Industry of Mediocrity': Study Criticizes Teacher-Education Programs By Dan Berrett, The Chronicle of Higher Education Colleges of education are "an industry of mediocrity" that churns out unprepared teachers to work in the nation's elementary and...
Preparación (mala) de los profesores – en EEUU
Study: Teacher Prep Programs Get Failing Marks by June 18, 2013 2:56 AM The U.S. spends more than $7 billion a year preparing classroom teachers, but teachers are not coming out of the nation's colleges of education ready, according to a by U.S.News & World...
Tratando de evaluar la efectividad de los MOOCs
New Research Effort Aims to Examine Effectiveness of MOOCs By Sara Grossman, June 10, 2013, 3:20 pm As more and more colleges experiment with massive open online courses, or MOOCs, a new project hopes to cut through the hype and gauge the...
EEUU: ¿Nuevas reglas para acreditación de programas de pedagogía?
Accreditor Considers New Standards for Teacher-Training Programs By Kelly Field Washington, June 11, 2014 Teacher-training colleges, which have come under fire from the Obama administration, are facing new scrutiny—this time, from their accreditor. On Tuesday, a...
Docencia “externalizada” y “adoptada”: ¿Un tema para pensar en Chile y América Latina?
Outsourced Lectures Raise Concerns About Academic Freedom By Steve Kolowich, May 28, 2013 Students at Massachusetts Bay Community College this year got a rare opportunity to take a computer-science course designed and taught online by some of the top professors...
Escolarización no es educación
El colega Jeff Puryear nos informa que se ha dado a conocerel estudio titulado Schooling Is Not Education! Using Assessment to Change the Politics of Non-Learning, de Lant Pritchett and Rukmini Banerji, chairs, Charles Kenny, project director. A Report of the Center...
Qué podemos aprender del aprendizaje on line masivo
What Professors Can Learn From 'Hard Core' MOOC Students By Jeffrey R. Young, The Chronicle of Higher Education, may 20, 2013 If people who sit at their computers for tens of hours each week zapping virtual monsters are hard-core gamers, then massive...
MOOCs: ¿El fin del comienzo?
Coursera Jumps the Shark Posted on May 31, 2013 by Alex Usher Remember when Coursera – the world’s largest purveyor of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) – was going to disrupt higher education, and put hundreds if not thousands of public institutions out of...
Estudiantes y uso de la IA en la educación superior
Students fear over-reliance on AI ‘devalues’ higher education Report stresses AI is ‘new standard’ and universities...
España: oferta privada de maestrías
Las universidades privadas copan el 63% de las plazas ofertadas de máster con el impulso de los gobiernos autonómicos...
Propósito y determinismo en la educación
Propósito y determinismo ''La llamada crisis de la autoridad docente no es por lo mismo un problema técnico, o de mera...
Internacionalización de la educación: Chile como país de destino
Internacionalización de la educación: Chile como país de destino. julio 29, 2024 Columnas AEQUALIS. 020. Junio 2024...