What 5 Tech Experts Expect in 2014 Education technology enjoyed a headline-grabbing year in 2013. Debate about the potential, and the limitations, of massive open online courses reached a fevered pitch. Technology-enabled, competency-based degrees got a green...
El futuro del trabajo y un interesante informe de McKinsey
Computers jump to the Head of the class Michael Fitzpatrick, The New York Times, 29.12.2013 TOKYO — If a computer could ace the entrance exam for a top university, what would that mean for mere mortals with average intellects? This is a question that has bothered...
MOOCs y aprendizaje tecnológicamente personalizado
December 19, 2013 by Steve Kolowich What if You Blended Adaptive Learning With MOOCs? MOOCs and adaptive-learning software are often billed as two of the most potentially game-changing technologies in higher education. The White House, for one, is...
El futuro de los Mooc por ahora en manos del mercado
December 19, 2013 by Steve Kolowich Obama Is Advised to Let Market Forces Decide Fate of MOOCs Massive open online courses could help increase access to higher education while driving down its costs, but President Obama should not intervene in order to...
Obama: Ranking de equidad y empleabilidad para financiar ayudas estudiantiles
Dubious of Obama Plan December 16, 2013 Scott Jaschik WASHINGTON -- Most college presidents doubt that President Obama's plan to promote affordable higher education will be effective, or that it will lead students to make better informed choices. Further, they expect...
Debates sobre acreditación y sus fallas en los EEUU
December 13, 2013 Senators Say Accreditors Are Ineffective and Beset by Conflicts of Interest By Kelly Field Washington Key U.S. senators raised doubts about higher-education accreditation at a hearing on Thursday, citing the system's "conflicts of interest"...
Formación por competencias en universidades y colleges
Competent at What? December 12, 2013 By Paul Fain Competency-based education appears to be higher education’s "next big thing." Yet many academics aren’t sure what it is. And that goes double for lawmakers and journalists. A new group is stepping in to try to clear up...
Digitalizar la educación o educar lo digital
We inform you that the preprint version of «Comunicar», 42, has been recently published with the suggestive title: "Revolution in Education? Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL)". All articles are available full text and free of charge on our official...
Sobre la estratificación en la profesión académica
December 2, 2013 The Great Stratification Photo Illustration by Scott Seymour and Jacques Benovil Enlarge Image By Jeffrey J. Williams Imagine a diorama in an American Museum of Occupations showing the evolution of the professor. The exhibit starts in the early 1800s...
Nota de Gregory Elacqua sobre comparación de resultados PISA
Desde la publicación de los resultados de PISA ayer, se ha publicado (y yo he recibido) muchos comentarios sobre las tendencias de PISA. Primero, es importante aclarar que, mientras se puede comparar los resultados de Lenguaje en PISA entre 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 y...
El gobierno de las universidades chilenas en perspectiva internacional comparada
El gobierno de las universidades chilenas en perspectiva internacional comparada Autores/as José Joaquín Brunner Ried,...
Cátedra emérita
Cátedra José Joaquín Brunner de Economía Política de la Educación, la Comunicación y la Cultura - UFRO El Doctorado en...
Revista Complutense de Educación, Vol. 35 Núm. 4 (2024)
Revista Complutense de Educación Artículos Segmentación en palabras de textos escritos por alumnos de primer curso de...
III Cumbre Grupo Cartagena. Universidad: ¿Cuánto de tradición y cuánto de cambio? | SIIP- UNCUYO
III Cumbre del Grupo de Cartagena en colaboración con la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Conferencia magistral de José...