
El futuro del trabajo

The big idea: should we work less? A shorter working week could benefit society, the environment - even the economy. Is it time to reassess our relationship with our jobs? Sarah Jaffe Mon 11 Oct 2021 08.00 BST For the last year and a half, most people have fallen into...

Nuevo paradigma económico

A New Global Economic Consensus Oct 13, 2021MARIANA MAZZUCATO Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deficiencies of economic deregulation and market liberalization, a new policymaking paradigm is emerging. But its success depends on concrete reforms and...

¿Universidades frente a una nueva guerra fría?

How would universities fare in a new Cold War? EUA report imagining scenarios for 2030 also paints picture of higher education being squeezed by markets and authoritarianism    October 4, 2021 What is the future for international university cooperation if relations...

Carreras que aumentan o disminuyen su matrícula

Psicología, Veterinaria y Obstetricia son algunas de las 20 carreras universitarias que más aumentaron su matrícula en los últimos diez años Roberto Gálvez, 13 de septiembre de 2021 Según datos oficiales, algunos programas de formación universitaria llegaron a doblar...