Educación Superior

México, universidades y UNAM

Will a new president end Mexico’s stand-off over university policy? Mexican president Andrés Manuel López-Obrador has expanded university access but is accused of ideological attacks on institutions, overly zealous corruption clampdowns and a misguided power grab over...

Libertad académica en Europa

University legitimacy: a strong defence of academic freedom Wilhelm Krull and Thomas Brunotte  18 November 2023 In several respects, the early 2020s have been dominated by an accumulated array of interwoven crises. Some of them, like climate change and environmental...

UCH: discursos sobre las funas

Así empieza lo malo ''No cabe duda, lo que ha ocurrido no tiene como víctima a Sergio Micco, puesto que al tratarlo de la forma en que se lo trató a la que en realidad se maltrató es a la universidad y a sus rutinas, que exigen esa forma de sobriedad y de ascetismo...

Política de aranceles en China

China’s tuition fee hikes ‘could foreshadow’ marketised HE system Beijing is ‘actively seeking to deter many young people from pursuing a degree’ to stem graduate unemployment, researcher says Pola Lem Jing Liu, October 10, 2023 Universities across China are raising...