
Evaluación de la educación superior en México

Los invitamos nuevamente a consultar el número especial recientemente editado "La evaluación en el campo de la educación superior", coordinado por el Dr. Mario Rueda Beltrán y la Dra. Susana García Salord. La importancia de este número radica en que los especialistas...

Invetigación cualitativa en educación

Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas acaba de publicar cinco artículos y un video correspondientes al número especial sobre Investigación Cualitativa Editores convidados Gustavo E. Fischman and Adai Tefera     Fischman G. E. & Tefera A. A. (2014)....

La discusión sobre el ranking de Obama

  Rating (and Berating) the Ratings Doug Lederman, Michael Stratford and Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher ED, February 7, 2014 WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration on Thursday released hundreds of pages of formal comments on its proposed college rating system,...

Llamado a publicar

Call for Papers International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221- 0989 (Online)  International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal published...

Internacionalización de la educación superior

Coming Soon... OXFORD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE EDUCATION Internationalisation of Higher Education and Global Mobility Edited by BERNHARD STREITWIESER 2014 paperback 320 pages US$56.00 ISBN 978-1-873927-42-7 DUE IN STOCK 26 FEBRUARY   FREE delivery on all orders All...

Percepciones sobre educación superior en EEUU

Politician-Public Divide Inside Higher ED, February 10, 2014 By Doug Lederman CORONADO, Calif. -- Everywhere you look, politicians are asserting that the public and taxpayers are questioning the value of higher education – and that their disappointment stems primarily...

Llamado a publicar

I am writing to invite you to submit an article to Education Research International which is a peer-reviewed open access journal for original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of education. Education Research International is published using an...

El gran salto de la educación superior china

Posted on February 7, 2014 by Alex Usher When Deng re-opened the universities, the system somehow managed to pull together a couple of hundred thousand professors, and around 600 institutions started enrolling students.  By 1980 that meant about a million students a...