
Sobre el más reciente libro de Derek Bok

Change  in higher education blog de Daniel Little,  October 26, 2013 Thera are a couple of former university presidents whose opinions seem particularly insightful on the subject of the strengths and weaknesses of universities today. One is Michael McPherson, formerly...

Aequalis: Nuevas contribuciones

Octubre 2013 Nº 10 "Seminario de cierre segunda etapa de AEQUALIS, Foro de Educación Superior" Con la presencia de rectores y académicos de diversas instituciones de educación superior, se realizó el seminario donde se dieron a conocer los cuatro libros editados por...

Destrezas comparadas de jóvenes en los EEUU

Measuring America’s Decline, in Three Charts Posted by John Cassidy, The New Yorker, October 23, 2013 In recent years, a number of international surveys have raised alarms that the United States is falling behind other countries in terms of educational achievement....