2003-04, The Historical Hinge of International Rankings December 6th, 2018 - Alex Usher Cast your minds back, if you will, by about 15 years. Paul Martin had yet to show us why great finance ministers make lousy Prime Ministers. The ghastly CROCS fad was still three...
La Economía Política del Capitalismo Académico: El Caso de Chile (publicación relacionada previa al Proyecto Nº 1180746)
José Joaquín Brunner (2017) La Economía Política del Capitalismo Académico: El Caso de Chile. En Hugo Lavados y Ana María Durán Baez (eds.) DESAFÍOS PARA EL DESARROLLO UNIVERSITARIO EN CHILE. Valencia, España: Tirant Humanidades. “…most academics’ lives have at least...
Alex Usher sobre el futuro de las certificaciones en la educación superior
LinkedIn and the Future of New Credentials December 5th, 2018 - Alex Usher One of the many unrealized promises of the last decade or so has been the idea that the types of credentials available to student – micro-credentials, stacked credentials Coursera-style...
UNESCO: Derecho a la educación
UNESCO’s #RightToEducation campaign Help us make the right to education a reality for all Dear UNESCO Chairs, I’m pleased to share with you UNESCO's digital campaign on the #RightToEducation, a right that is an absolute priority and at the core of our global mission...
Llamado a Congreso BIESTRA 2019
Principal Encuentro Colaborativo de la Educación Superior Chilena BIESTRA 2019 Confirma al Investigador Raimo Vuorinen como Ponente Principal El experto del Instituto Finlandés de Investigación Educativa (FIER), que se ha especializado en mecanismos de mejora...
El cambio de la universidad como institución formativa
How Professors Ceded Their Authority Education and moral purpose have parted ways By Chad Wellmon November 20, 2018 PREMIUM In 1904, while touring the eastern half of the United States, the German sociologist Max Weber encountered an institution that would intrigue...
Entrevista con Steven Pinker
Looking Bright The Harvard psychologist says he is no starry-eyed optimist. It’s just that the data don’t lie. Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist at Harvard University, maintains that by objective measures the world is heading in the right direction.CreditKayana...
China, el marxismo y los estudiantes
Los estudiantes marxistas, los nuevos enemigos del Gobierno chino Pekín ve con inquietud la alianza entre trabajadores y universitarios ideológicamente ultraortodoxos MACARENA VIDAL LIY, Pekín 20 NOV 2018 - 11:42 CET El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, durante un...
Aranceles y universidad pública en Brasil
View this email in your browser Cobrança de mensalidades e privatização das Universidades Públicas By Simon on Nov 18, 2018 02:26 pm Entrevista para o jornal Gazeta do Povo, publicada em 29/08/2018 O tema da cobrança de mensalidades nas Instituições de Ensino...
Colegios como organizaciones que aprenden: caso de Gales
How Wales is transforming its schools into learning organisations Posted: 08 Nov 2018 03:31 AM PST By Marco Kools, Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills In 2011, Wales embarked on a large-scale reform to improve the quality and equity of its education...
Noruega: Auge de la filosofía, las humanidades y la interdiscipliba
Five ERC grants: Philosophy is the new star at Oslo University Jan Petter Myklebust 19 January 2024 The discipline of...
La IA y el futuro de las universidades
Generative AI action hints at core future roles in universities Karen MacGregor 28 January 2024 With the arrival of...
China: incentivos monetarios a los investigadores PoP
Young researcher salaries top those in US, UK, Australia Yojana Sharma 18 March 2021 Post-doctoral researchers at top...
Reformas educacionales y su implementación
Las reformas educacionales y su implementación José Joaquín Brunner, 28 de enero de 2021 Lo que importa son los...