What Critics of Economics Get Wrong Bashing the field is commonplace — but few are doing it for the right reasons. By Diane Coyle, professor of public policy at the University of Cambridge. OCTOBER 5, 2021 Economics comes in for plenty of criticism: Economists assume...
Revista Societas 21
Revista Societas 21 Comité Editorial: Cristián Larroulet Vigneaux (Director) Pedro Gandolfo Gandolfo y Jorge Peña Vial Año: 2019 Número de páginas: 286 Leer revista Reseña del libro La revista incluye los discursos de incorporación de la académica Marisol Peña Torres...
Webina sobre ciencia sociales en Brasil
O papel das ciências sociais no desenvolvimento do Brasil By Simon on Apr 29, 2021 09:55 am Webinar organizado pela Fundação Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 6 de maio de 2021, às 17 hs, com a participação de Benardo Sorj, Elizabeth Balbachevsky e Simon...
La investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades: sus debates e impactos
La investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades: sus debates e impactos José Joaquín Brunner | Julio Labraña | CEP - Puntos de Referencia Puntos de Referencia N° 560, enero 2021 LEA ESTE DOCUMENTO EN PDF LEA ESTE DOCUMENTO EN EBOOK Resumen A nivel global, en los...
Mariana Mazzucato: rol de los gobiernos en el capitalismo contemporáneo
Mariana Mazzucato: ‘I was sick of just being told: “You make me happy”’ After her first book, The Entrepreneurial State, catapulted her into the academic stratosphere, the UCL economist has paused her audiences with senior politicians to write a follow-up that uses...
Doctorados en ciencias sociales y humanidades de EEUU reducen la admisión de nuevos alumnos
More Doctoral Programs Suspend Admissions. That Could Have Lasting Effects on Graduate Education. By Megan Zahneis SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 All five of Rice U.'s humanities doctoral programs will suspend admissions for one year. Updated (1/4/2021, 12:00 p.m.) with additions...
Conferencia Internacional de Humanidades
Call for Papers Dear Colleague, We are pleased to share with you the Call for Papers for the Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 30 June - 2 July 2021. The New Directions in...
En la huella de famoso libro de Allan Bloom “The Closing of the American Mind”
How to Reopen the American Mind In the midst of an existential crisis for higher education, is it even reasonable to expect the humanities to survive? By Jon Baskin and Anastasia Berg, Oct. 22, 2020 This fall, as college students filter hesitantly into socially...
Social Scientists on COVID-19
Social Scientists on COVID-19 What motivates people to wear masks, the effects of social isolation on children and the elderly, infection rates among the incarcerated. These are just some of the COVID-19 research topics social scientists are investigating right now....
Ciencias sociales en tiempos de la peste
GLOBAL A new approach to social sciences, humanities in a time of crisis Jess Auerbach and Nina Hall 07 May 2020 In the last month, the uncertainty and disruption that has impacted on the globe has been felt hard in academia, and the social sciences and humanities...
Estabilidad laboral de docentes
Abandono docente en la educación pública llega sólo a 4% anual y profesores se mantendrían 25 años en ejercicio ...
Bajo desempeño en lectura de estudiantes USA
American Children’s Reading Skills Reach New Lows With little post-pandemic recovery, experts wonder if screen time...
Nuevo estudio de Gregory Elacqua: rotación docente e incentivos monetarios
Teacher turnover is a major challenge for schools globally, particularly affecting disadvantaged students in urban...
La mesa técnica creada para el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE)
Los nudos expuestos durante la mesa técnica creada para mejorar el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE) Durante esta...