
Covid y el derecho a la educación: Unesco

COVID-19 – Education is the bedrock of a just society in the post-COVID world 02/06/2020 By Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education and John Brandolino, Director, Division for Treaty Affairs, UNODC. As the COVID-19 crisis may lead to an...

Campus y distancia social

Welcome to the Socially Distanced Campus By Francie Diep and Megan Zahneis May 26, 2020  PREMIUM Son of Alan for The Chronicle Darlene M. Campo welcomed her first students back on campus at 9:15 a.m. on May 11. Excited, they all arrived on time, or even early. Campo,...

¿Cómo organizamos la vuelta a la escuela?

¿Cómo organizamos la vuelta a la escuela? May 21, 2020 3.31pm EDT Mariano Fernández Enguita Catedrático de Sociología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Disclosure statement Mariano Fernández Enguita no recibe salario, ni ejerce labores de consultoría, ni posee...

Community colleges permanecerán en línea

Community Colleges Likeliest to Stay Virtual  As most four-year colleges continue to announce intentions to reopen campuses in the fall, many community colleges have said they will remain (mostly) virtual. By Madeline St. Amour May 20, 2020 Many of the institutions...

Resiliencia como ideal educador

Domingo 24 de mayo de 2020 Resiliencia como ideal educador "Los tiempos que vienen, sujetos a varias crisis convergentes, requerirán un ideal educador diferente al que antes primó en muchas partes de Occidente. La resiliencia aparece como un intento por recuperar el...