We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Higher Education. Volume 77 Number 6 is now available online. In this issue Neither “local” nor “global”: Chinese university students’ identity paradoxes in the internationalization of higher...
Reporte sobre educación superior en Gran Bretaña
That Augar Report May 31st, 2019 - Alex Usher If you pay attention to UK higher education, you will know that yesterday the long-awaited Augar Report (technically, the Post-18 Review of Education and Funding: Independent Panel Report, but its usually named after its...
Educación para el futuro: una visión
Educating for the Future: Empowering the Human Mind and Redefining Values and Citizenship in the Age of Technological Disruption* ARTICLE | MAY 11, 2019 | BY CARLOS BLANCO, ALEXANDRE PEREZ CASARES, RAMON RODRIGANEZ RIESCO Get Full Text in PDF Abstract What are the...
Presupuestos balanceados, Alex Usher
Balanced Budgets May 28th, 2019 - Alex Usher A few weeks ago, the federal and länder governments in Germany reached a ten-year accord with respect to funding for scientific research. Result: a decade of planned 3% annual increases. Needless to say, this elicited...
Sobre el cambio curricular
Ex subsecretario de Lagos detrás del polémico cambio curricular: «Uno de sus objetivos es nivelar la cancha» El presidente del Consejo Nacional de Educación (CNED), Pedro Montt, se refiere a los cambios en los contenidos de tercero y cuarto medio. Un proceso que...
Examen de ingreso (SAT) a universidades de EEUU y nuevo factor de adversidad
JEFFERSON, ADAMS, AND THE SAT’S NEW ADVERSITY FACTOR By Nicholas Lemann, The New Yorker Today, May 23, 2019 Most discussions of admissions to élite colleges are built around the idea that, somewhere around the next bend and soon to make itself apparent, is the right...
Protestas contra cortes fiscales en universidades brasileñas
Students in Brazil mobilise against President Jair Bolsonaro's cuts to education. Photograph by Joao Alexandre Peschanski, Wikimedia Commons. Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter BRAZIL 1.5 million protest against Bolsonaro’s university cuts María Elena...
Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en Venezuela en Tiempos de la Revolución Bolivariana: un Proceso Sesgado
Latin American Research Centre, University of Calgary, Canada Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en Venezuela en Tiempos de la Revolución Bolivariana: un Proceso Sesgado Maria Cristina Parra-Sandoval | May 2019 (LARC Visiting Fellow Maria Cristina...
Métricas de producción en Academia holandesa, ¿desparecerán?
Netherlands plans overhaul of academic careers in move away from metrics Country will also consider creating teaching-focused professorships to stop academics being overloaded by responsibilities By David Matthews, December 6, 2018 The Netherlands will radically...
Libertad académica en Alemania: individual y/o de las organizaciones
Germany debates whether academic freedom is an individual or organisational right In a managerial era, universities are challenging the traditional idea that only individuals need protecting, say Otto Hüther and Georg Krücke May 9, 2019 By Otto Hüther By Georg Krücken...
La revinculación con la escuela
EDUCACIÓN Juan Cristóbal Romero: “El valor de la educación como el gran motor del crecimiento personal y el desarrollo...
Acuerdo presupuestario en torno a SLEP: dos aproximaciones
Marcel interviene conflicto de Servicios Locales de Educación Pública y gobierno accede a frenar su implementación...
Coincidencia en necesidad de revisar el diseño de los SLEP
"Frenar este proceso representa más riesgos que oportunidades": Consejo de Evaluación de la Educación Pública fija...
Libertad académica en Europa
University legitimacy: a strong defence of academic freedom Wilhelm Krull and Thomas Brunotte 18 November 2023 In...