Documentos de Interés
Evaluación y notas en tiempos de Covid-19: Caso de EEUU
Abr 20, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
How Has Grading Changed Since Coronavirus Forced Classes Online? Often, It Depends on the Professor By Emma Dill APRIL 13, 2020 As Jenny Davidson tracked the news early last month about the coronavirus, it began to seem inevitable: Her university would move...
¿Cuál es el debate que espera a las universidades cuando retorno alguna forma de normalidad?
Abr 19, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
How Should Colleges Prepare for a Post-Pandemic World? Anticipate and plan for change rather than merely hope that it will not arrive. By Brian Rosenberg APRIL 13, 2020 PREMIUM If one were to invent a crisis uniquely and diabolically designed to undermine the...
¿Qué pueden contribuir los investigadores educacionales?
Abr 19, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
Rethinking education in the time of COVID-19: What can we contribute as researchers? by Pauline Rose on April 7, 2020 in Coronavirus 1 This blog was written by Professor Pauline Rose, Director of the REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge. It is the first in a...
Alex Usher: Pensando la reapertura académica (desde canadá)
Abr 18, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
View as Webpage Coronavirus (14)- The Re-opening Conundrum April 13th, 2020 - Alex Usher Most people want to know how the heck we get out of this mess. Not dates, necessarily, but the process. We have to see big declines in the number of new cases before we can start...
Entrevista: Covid-19 y los próximos pasos
Abr 16, 2020 | Documentos de Interés, Entrevistas
Entrevista / conversación con Magdalena Olea, Max Colodro y JJ Brunner, Radio Agricultura Escuchar en mp.3 aquí
Escenarios de aprendizaje escolar post Covid-19
Abr 16, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
We should avoid flattening the curve in education – Possible scenarios for learning loss during the school lockdowns SYEDAH AROOB IQBAL JOAO PEDRO AZEVEDO KOEN GEVEN AMER HASAN HARRY A. PATRINOS |APRIL 13, 2020 Social distancing has been a necessary strategy to...
El siglo chino de Simón Schwartzman
Abr 16, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
O Século Chinês By Simon on Apr 10, 2020 04:35 am (publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 10/04/2020) “Indústria Americana”, o documentário produzido pela produtora de Michelle e Barack Obama que ganhou o Oscar de melhor documentário este ano e pode ser visto no Netflix,...
Abr 15, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
IESALC INSTA A LOS ESTADOS A ASEGURAR EL DERECHO A LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES ANTE EL COVID-19 7 ABRIL, 2020 En el Día Mundial de la Salud UNESCO lanza documento sobre la educación superior y el COVID-19 El cese temporal de las actividades...
Universidades y ciencias en Colombia: ejemplo a seguir
Abr 14, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
Las universidades que recibirán dineros de Mincienciatón, para buscar soluciones al Covid Abril 8/20 Las propuestas aprobadas tras el Mincienciatón, del Minciencias, fueron 25, que recibirán 26 mil millones de pesos, repartidos en 6 universidades privadas, 5 públicas...
Pandemia y educación superior: balance de los cambios en curso
Abr 14, 2020 | Documentos de Interés
How Will the Pandemic Change Higher Education? Professors, administrators, and staff on what the coronavirus will leave in its wake. April 10, 2020 PREMIUM (c) Joan Wong for The Chronicle The coronavirus crisis has — in what seems like an instant — upended much of...