The Boston College Center for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2017-2018
Agosto 23, 2018

captura-de-pantalla-2018-01-15-a-las-08-08-37With this message, we’re delighted to announce the release of issue No. 9 in the CIHE Perspectives report series: The Boston College Center for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2017-2018.

As indicated by the title, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the Center’s activities during the last year, with information about the events we hosted, the visiting scholars who spent time with us, the projects we undertook, the publications we produced, and more.

The report is anchored by a series of short articles that were produced over the course of the year by everyone formally associated with the Center, ranging from the leadership team to our graduate students, research fellows, and visiting scholars. Ranging from original contributions to reprints of articles published elsewhere, these essays reflect thoughtful consideration of a wide array of issues and topics relevant to the higher education enterprise in different corners of the world, which is a hallmark of the Center’s approach to its work.

We hope you enjoy browsing this material, and look forward to another busy and exciting year in 2018-2019!


All good wishes,

Hans de Wit, Director

Laura Rumbley, Associate Director





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