Le informamos que el I FORO IBEROAMERICANO de la CALIDAD de la EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR y de la INVESTIGACIÓN se celebrará en Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), del 30 de marzo al 1 de abril de 2020. Precios reducidos para el personal de esta Universidad/entidad Avance...
Reforma educación superior en Polonia
Polish Higher Education Reforms December 9th, 2019 - Alex Usher I was briefly in Warsaw last week talking about university rankings and how to improve overall institutional performance. Poland is one of the most interesting higher education systems in the world right...
Países nórdicos: visión sobre su educación superior
View as Webpage Scandinavian Round-Up November 5th, 2019 - Alex Usher Every once in awhile it’s useful to take a look at how things are developing in other parts of the world. Today, a quick trip to the three Scandinavian countries. Norway is by some distance the most...
¿Qué reglas aplicar a la filantropía?
FUND RAISING Universities Are Facing Criticism for Taking Dirty Money. Do Their Donor Policies Protect Them? By Francie Diep OCTOBER 30, 2019 PREMIUM Is it time for new rules for donations to colleges and universities? Brown University apparently thought so. On...
Conversación sobre la burocracia de las universidades
How to avoid being sucked into the black hole of administration Bureaucracy is the bane of every academic’s life. But who is to blame for its proliferation – and how can it be kept in check? Six academics have their say – while a registrar offers an equal and opposite...
Libro reciente: Is College Merely Helping Those Who Need Help Least?
Is College Merely Helping Those Who Need Help Least? By Tara Westover THE YEARS THAT MATTER MOST How College Makes or Breaks Us By Paul Tough I am — to capitulate fully to the nomenclature — a “first gen,” meaning a first-generation college graduate. For me, as for...
Eric Posner, Libros recientes sobre meritocracia en USA
The Meritocracy Muddle Sep 13, 2019 ERIC POSNER Populist resentment against "elites" is a recurring feature of modern democracy, owing to the fact that popular sovereignty is at odds with the careful management of increasingly complex economies. But what causes public...
Media Lab del MIT: Fantasía y realidad
Hype vs. Reality at the MIT Media Lab By Nell Gluckman September 11, 2019 Cambridge, Mass. It was a validating moment for Caleb Harper. Norman Foster, the renowned architect who designed Apple’s circular headquarters, had come to the Massachusetts Institute of...
¿Existe el mérito y hay meritocracia?
Does meritocracy stall social mobility, entrench an undeserving elite, and undermine trust in higher education? Joan Wong for The Chronicle September 13, 2019 That seems to be the emerging bipartisan consensus. “On the evidence we have, the meritocratic ideal ends up...
Historia del sistema universitario argentino
“Historia del sistema universitario argentino” 11 septiembre, 2019 Viedma.- (APP) El viernes 20 de septiembre se estrena la serie en Canal Encuentro. Desde ese día, se emitirá cada viernes, a las 19.30. La serie producida por el Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional...
Voces y argumentos en torno a resultados de la educación
Raúl Figueroa, miembro del equipo de Matthei: “La alteración de prioridades en educación, que proviene de las reformas...
Financiamiento de I&D en Finlandia
Will Finland’s big spending on R&D buy it the gift of growth? Nokia’s runaway success may have rung off a decade...
Canadá: financiamiento universitario
One Thought to Start Your Day JANUARY 13, 2025 | ALEX USHER College Financials 2022-23 StatsCan dropped some college...
Incertidumbre en universidades estatales por la falta de financiamiento para innovación
Incertidumbre en universidades estatales por la falta de financiamiento para innovación Por Cartas al Director Columna...