Universidades estatales

Lo público y lo privado en la educación superior

Lo público y lo privado en la educación superior Por Héctor Gaete, Rector, Universidad del Bio Bio, Pulso, 6 diciembre 2017 Lo que se requiere es alcanzar el desarrollo y, en este contexto, todas las instituciones de educación superior, sin distinción de su naturaleza...

Alex Usher: La economía de los rankings

The Economics of Rankings November 27, 2017 - Alex Usher One of the greatest misapprehensions about rankings - and there are a lot, believe me - is that rankers are "just doing it for the money".  For the most part, this is wrong.  It's really hard to make money at...

Alex Usher: Universidad neoliberal (5)

Last Orders on Neoliberalism (Neoliberalism Part 5) November 24th, 2017 - Alex Usher To sum up the week's arguments: Neoliberalism is about markets.  There are actually very few genuine markets in higher education and where there are they can be quite beneficial...

Alex Usher: Universidad Neoliberal (4)

Measurement and Management at Universities (Neoliberalism Part 4) November 23rd, 2017 - Alex Usher To date, we have looked at market mechanisms and competition in universities and shown that a) they aren't in fact all that neo-liberal and b) particularly with respect...

OCDE: Movilidad internacional de estudiantes

Is the growth of international student mobility coming to a halt? Posted: 16 Nov 2017 02:00 AM PST by Dirk Van Damme Head of the Skills Beyond School Division,  Directorate for Education and Skills Higher education is one of the most globally integrated systems of the...