AFI: Calidad, mérito y equidad José Joaquín Brunner, Académico, La Tercera, 1 de junio de 2013 El aporte fiscal indirecto (AFI) viene a recordarnos cada año cuáles son las 10 universidades que captan a los mejores alumnos medidos por la PSU y reciben por este...
Nuevo libro de interes sobre educación comparativa
PISA, Power, and Policy the emergence of global educational governance Edited by HEINZ-DIETER MEYER & AARON BENAVOT 2013 paperback 336 pages US$56.00 ISBN 978-1-873927-96-0 IN STOCK NOW FREE delivery on all orders All books are sent AIRMAIL worldwide Click here...
Certificación internacional de rankings universitarios
Some Developments in Rankings Posted on May 28, 2013 by Alex Usher I was in Warsaw the week before last for the International Rankings Expert Group (IREG) Forum. The forum is designed both for those interested in rankings, and for rankers themselves – the principals...
QS Ranking de Universidades 2013
QS University Rankings: Latin America Established in 2011, the QS University Rankings: Latin America ranks the region’s top 300 universities. The ranking methodology is based on seven key indicators, selected to reflect regional strengths and priorities. The...
International Higher Education, Summer Issue #72
Number 72: Summer 2013 Brain Drain or Brain Exchange? Internationalization: Trends and Critiques Rankings and Their Implications India Issues England's Present and Future Regions and Countries CIHE on the Web Read our blog on Inside Higher Dear Colleagues:...
Nuevo ranking de sistemas nacionales de educación superior
U21 Rankings of National Higher Education Systems 2012 10 May 2012 U21 has published new research into national education systems gives the first ranking of countries which are the ‘best’ at providing higher education. bajar el documento completo aquí <PDF>...
Aun el ranking mas reputado es ahora boicoteado
German Sociologists Boycott Academic Ranking by Klaus Dörre, Stephan Lessenich, and Ingo Singe, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany Universities and institutions of higher education across the globe are being impacted by structural change, guided by...
Sobre rankings multidimensionales
Una interesante reflexión de Alex Usher del Canadá quien es de los principales expertos mundiales en rankings de la educaciuón superior. U-Multirank Posted on April 23, 2013 by Alex Usher Some of you have been calling and e-mailing over the last few weeks, asking me...
Sobre la clasificación de universidades
On the Classification of Universities Sobre la clasificación de universidades José Joaquín Brunner Diego Portales University, Chile Abstract This article discusses the use of university classifications as a framework for their order, ranking and finance. It is argued...
Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana
Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana Estimado Profesor/Investigadora Informamos a usted que Pensamiento Educativo. Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericano (PEL), hoy ha publicado el nuevo número de abril en formato electrónico open access....
Consejo Asesor de la Estrategia de Desarrollo para la Educación Superior
Consejo Asesor de la Estrategia de Desarrollo para la Educación Superior Martes 12 de Noviembre, 2024 La Subsecretaría...
Escrito antes y leido después de la elección de Trump
Universities can expect a frontal attack if Trump returns John Aubrey Douglass, 30 October 2024 With the 5 November...