Post-Brexit educational mobilities – What’s next? Rachel Brooks and Johanna Waters 21 January 2023 Following its departure from the European Union in 2020, the United Kingdom left the Erasmus+ programme, which funded international mobility for higher education...
EEUU: Contexto político de la educación superior
Blue versus red states: Higher education policy-making in the US John Aubrey Douglass 21 January 2023 The midterm elections in the United States brought a sort of victory for President Joe Biden and the Democrats, including the retention of a slim majority in the...
Contexto político global y educación superior
Higher education can reverse its democratic recession William G Tierney 21 January 2023 One need not be a linguist to acknowledge the fluidity of language. In 1977 Lewis B Mayhew, one of academe’s preeminent scholars of higher education, penned Legacy of the...
Sudáfrica: Corrupción en la educación superior
National task force for HE security after attack on university leader Edwin Naidu 14 January 2023 The apparent assassination attempt on one of South Africa’s top university leaders, in which his bodyguard was killed, has highlighted the threat of corruption that...
Inglaterra: Evaluación de colegios
Heads call for end to ‘blunt’ Ofsted ratings in inspections overhaul ASCL says grades such as ‘requires improvement’ should be replaced by descriptions of strengths and flaws Sally Weale , Education correspondent - The Guardian Fri 20 Jan 2023 Headteachers are calling...
¿Quién le tiene miedo a ChatGPT?
Why I’m Not Scared of ChatGPT The limits of the technology are where real writing begins. By Christopher Grobe! JANUARY 18, 2023 Each time I embark on a new writing project, I find that I’ve forgotten how to write. I type and delete sentence fragments. I list claims...
Plan de reactivación MINEDUC: dos perspectivas
Un plan aún con desafíos Columna de Magdalena Vergara, directora de Estudios de IdeaPaís 21 enero 2023 El anuncio del Plan de Reactivación Educativa no puede sino mirarse con buenos ojos frente a la crisis educativa que enfrentamos. Luego de 10 meses con una agenda...
Libertad académica en America Latina y EEUU
Is Academic Freedom a Human Right? In Mexico, a conference raises provocative questions about politics and the university By Jeffrey Aaron Snyder JANUARY 11, 2023 Is academic freedom a basic human right? This was just one of many provocative questions I had...
Sobre fin de la selección escolar
¿Fue una decisión apresurada?: El análisis sobre la selección escolar en medio de la crisis educativa en el país A seis años de la implementación de la Ley de Inclusión Escolar, distintos actores vinculados al tema han planteado sus dudas sobre la pertinencia de la...
El SEA: puntos de vista en la controversia
Académico Cristián Bellei: “El SAE reduce la discriminación y es un sistema más justo” Frente a las críticas surgidas por el sistema de la admisión, el investigador del Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación (CIAE), afirmó que si “queremos una educación...
Qué traerá consigo el segundo gobierno Trump
The second Trump term: Higher education braces for impact Nathan M Greenfield 08 November 2024 ‘Professors are the...
Conversaciones en torno al fogón
Ao pé da lareira By Simon Schwartzman on Nov 08, 2024 04:17 pm (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de novembro,...
Asia: Empleabilidad de graduados
Are universities to blame for rising youth unemployment in Asia? The rise of Asian higher education has coincided with...
Cómo hacer quen las cosas esté cada día un poco peor
One Thought to Start Your Day NOVEMBER 4, 2024 | ALEX USHER Enshittification as Strategy Many of you seem amused by my...