
Lecturas sobre educación superior y futuro

Volume 2               Issue 4                 July 2018            ISSN 2227-9679  We are pleased to bring you Volume 2 Issue 4 of ERUDITIO, electronic journal of the World Academy of Art and Science. Click here to download the PDF of Volume 2 Issue 4. CONTENTS...

A Reforma do Ensino Médio e Sua Base Curricular

A Reforma do Ensino Médio e Sua Base Curricular Cláudio de Moura Castro, Simon Schwartzman, João Batista de Oliveira, Cândido Gomes. Agosto, 2018 Em fevereiro de 2017 o Congresso aprovou a Lei da Reforma do Ensino Médio, cuja implantação ficou pendente da elaboração...

Revista Calidad de la Educacion

Con nueva web y plataforma de gestión y publicación: Revista Calidad en la Educación presenta su número 48                                                                                      Ya se encuentra disponible el número 48 de la revista Calidad en la...

Historia de la educación superior en USA

Scholars, Know Thy History: Higher Ed Has Always Struggled to Survive in the U.S. By Leonard Cassuto JULY 17, 2018 If I were a graduate-school dean, I would propose that every doctoral student be required to take a course on the history of American higher education....

Estándares para la enseñanza

How can teaching standards improve teaching? Posted: 19 Jul 2018 07:06 AM PDT By Nóra Révai Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and SkillsWhen I started teaching English in my native Hungary, I was excited, confident, and maybe a bit nervous, about managing a...