
Continuidad entre educación temprana y primaria

blog Ireland is rethinking its curriculum for young children. Here’s what it can learn from other countries Posted: 11 Jan 2019 03:20 AM PST By Derek Grant, Claire Reidy and Arlene Forster National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Ireland Changes are on...

Religiones en la educación superior de los EEUU

‘The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education’ Authors discuss new book about the diversity and strength of religion in academe -- as well as some of the tensions. By Scott Jaschik January 11, 2019 0 COMMENTS William F. Buckley Jr.'s 1951 book God and Man...

Recortas aranceles, sus efectos en Inglaterra q

Cutting tuition fees will turn universities into vassals of the state Simon Jenkins, The Guardia, 10 January, 2019 Lowering the cost of degrees will devastate university budgets. The state will bail them out – in exchange for more control Struggling UK universities...

Universidade, culturas, valores: Alex Usher

View as Webpage Universities and Universal Values   January 7th, 2019 - Alex Usher Morning all. Happy New Year. Welcome back. I’m in Southeast Asia this week taking in some sights. Travel in Asia always makes me think a lot about the ways in which different parts of...

A medio camino, futuro de la universidad

A medio camino Ante el desafiante y temido futuro que amenaza a la educación superior, existen dos visiones de cómo abordarlo: con innovaciones disruptivas que redefinen por completo su organización y funcionamiento, y otra que opta por cambios incrementales y...