Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society Schools of the Future Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution World Economic Forum, January 2020 This report has been published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution...
Alex Usher sobre mérito en el contexto de la educación superior
Merit March 25th, 2020 - Alex Usher Universities are among the most elitist institutions in society. I won’t say they are unabashed by this role: in fact, I’d say they are plenty bashful. Certainly, there are many people who wish to be as democratic as possible...
Revista Alteridad
Sección Monográfica (Monografic Section) "Las posibilidades educativas de la realidad aumentada virtual y mixta" "The educational possibilities of virtual and mixed augmented reality" Realidad aumentada en la enseñanza de hormigón reforzado: percepción de los alumnos...
Coronavirus en los colegios: los efectos de la clausura en EEUU
The coronavirus double whammy: School closures, economic downturn could derail student learning, research shows By Matt Barnum , Chalkbeat, March 24, 2019. The new coronavirus has closed schools for weeks, and in some places for the rest of the academic year....
Consejos para la educación
Managing Education Systems During COVID-19: An Open Letter to A Minister of Education MARCH 23, 2020 Karen Mundy and Susannah Hares,© 2020 Center for Global Development Dear Minister, As of March 23, more than 124 countries have closed their education systems either...
Covid-19 y educación temprana, niñez
March 20, 2020 Stress, Hope, and the Role of Science: Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has the capacity to affect every person in the world—and how each individual responds can potentially affect everyone else. In addition to the efforts of...
Unesco: Consecuencias negativas del cierre de las escuelas
Consecuencias negativas del cierre de las escuelas empty-classroom-c-bonnontawat-shutterstock.jpg Bonnontawat/ El cierre, incluso temporal, de los centros escolares provoca altos costos sociales y económicos. Los problemas que ocasiona afectan a todas...
Competencias siglo 21: nuevo estudio de implementación curricular
BROOKINGS EDUCATION PLUS DEVELOPMENT Representing 21st century skills in curricula: A new study Dirk Hastedt and Esther Care, February 28, 2020 “Holistic development” is the watchword when setting educational goals for students. However, what this means in practice...
Mapa de competencias siglo 21
New 21st Century Skills Study to Map Education in a Changing World International Association of Educational Achievement (IEA) Education is changing. Countries around the world are broadening their educational vision to equip students with what are often termed...
Revista Perfiles Educativos
El número 167 (enero-marzo) de la Revista Perfiles Educativos, el cual se encuentra disponible en línea en la página web de la revista: // Editorial EditorialGénero en la agenda educativa Alejandro Canales Sánchez 3-7 PDF EPUB...
Los “dos culturas” en China y Occidente
China vs the West: Snow’s ‘two culture’ theory goes global Richard Holmes 28 August 2024 In 1959, CP Snow, a British...
La institucionalidad de las universidades: ¿forzadas a cambiar?
José Joaquín Brunner/ ex ministro de Estado, académico y experto en educación /La institucionalidad de las...
Universidades británicas: ¿Controlar el acceso?
Fresh calls for number controls after elites take more students Academics question why some universities should be...
Complejo ideológico PC
Complejo ideológico PC "Aún se concibe a sí mismo como un partido leninista, que tolera la democracia formal burguesa...