The End of Internationalization? March 2nd, 2018 - Alex Usher Some of you may have seen an article earlier this week from Phil Altbach and Hans De Wit (the former and current Directors of the Centre for Higher Education at Boston College). Do read the whole thing,...
Revista de educación superior en América Latina: ESAL No. 3
Este correo no representa opinión o consentimiento oficial de la Universidad del Norte, por lo que esta no adquiere ninguna responsabilidad por su contenido, salvo en el caso de funcionarios en ejercicio de atribuciones reglamentarias. Puede provenir de una cuenta...
Cómo medir la deserción en la educación superior técnica
OPINION: When it comes to measuring community college success, graduation rates fall short Here’s the information we need to help underserved students take the next steps by KAREN STOUT March 6, 2018 Students, parents, policymakers and the public need good information...
¿Muerte de las humanidades?
THE CHRONICLE REVIEW There Is No Case for the Humanities And deep down we know our justifications for it are hollow By Justin Stover MARCH 04, 2018 This essay originally appeared in American Affairs. The humanities are not just dying — they are almost dead. In...
Proyecto para el crédito estudiantil
MINISTRO EYZAGUIRRE PRESENTÓ PROYECTO DE CRÉDITO ESTATAL PARA LA EDUCACIÓN El titular de Hacienda explicó que el nuevo crédito cubrirá el costo total de las carreras, con lo que ya no existirá brecha que los estudiantes o las familias deban financiar con créditos...
Debate sobre privatización de universidades estatales en EEUU
Should public universities privatize given state budget constraints? Patti Zarling, March 2, 2018 Dive Brief: The University of Pittsburgh has watched its state funding dwindle from covering 35% of operations in the 1970s to 7% in 2018, a trend not likely to change...
Una mirada a la gratuidad (Canadá)
Ten Bad Arguments about Free Tuition in Canada February 20th, 2018 - Alex Usher So this weekend at the NDP convention, delegates voted in favour of a free tuition policy. Based on a totally unscientific scan of twitter afterwards, here are the ten most common...
Usher sobre robots y educación superior
Robot-Proof March 1st, 2018 - Alex Usher If you're looking for a book that is not too heavy, analyzes how changing technologies impacts skills, and does a great job of sketching out some possible attractive responses from higher education institutions: have I got a...
Sobre el valor de la educación superior
How to Sway Higher Ed’s Skeptics By Peter Salovey FEBRUARY 27, 2018 Many Americans today are skeptical about the value of higher education. Last summer, a study from the Pew Research Center found that only 55 percent of Americans say that colleges "have a positive...
¿Muerte de las humanidades?
THE CHRONICLE REVIEW There Is No Case for the Humanities And deep down we know our justifications for it are hollow By Justin Stover MARCH 04, 2018 This essay originally appeared in American Affairs. The humanities are not just dying — they are almost dead. In...
¿Desventaja educativa de nacer en diciembre?
El lastre de nacer en diciembre: peores resultados académicos y desventaja laboral A los ocho años, un escolar español...
Columna de Sylvia Eyzaguirre: La agonía de la educación pública
Columna de Sylvia Eyzaguirre: La agonía de la educación pública 14 de enero de 2024 Indignación causaron las palabras...
La designación y el fin de la Rectora de la U de Harvard
Who Failed Whom at Harvard? Claudine Gay’s presidency lasted a mere six months. Now, in the aftermath of her exit,...
Plagio e intimidación en la Universidad de Harvard
The REAL real Harvard scandal Len Gutkin, JANUARY 8, 2024 When the news broke that the political scientist Claudine...