Salario mínimo para jóvenes investigadores

El Gobierno fija un salario mínimo de 16.422 euros brutos anuales para los jóvenes investigadores Un real decreto regula con seis años de retraso las condiciones laborales de los científicos predoctorales MANUEL ANSEDE,  1 MAR 2019 - 17:03 CET El Gobierno ha dado este...

U de California deja caer a Elsevier

Books And Publishing UC Drops Elsevier After months of negotiating over open-access fees and paywalls, the University of California System follows through on threat to cancel its journal subscription deal with Elsevier. By Lindsay McKenzie March 1, 2019 10 COMMENTS...

¿El fin de las universidades?

¿El fin de las universidades? Muchos se preguntan si ha llegado el fin de las universidades o, por lo menos, del modelo de provisión de educación superior tras la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías digitales. Otto Granados es presidente del Consejo Asesor de la OEI....

Académicos y el uso intensivo del mail

THE CHRONICLE REVIEW Is Email Making Professors Stupid? It used to simplify crucial tasks. Now it’s strangling scholars’ ability to think  By CAL NEWPORT Donald Knuth is one of the world’s most famous living computer scientists. He’s known for his pioneering efforts...

Créditos estudiantiles funcionan, Alex Usher

Loans Work   February 5th, 2019 - Alex Usher If you spend any time looking at student aid research, you’ll be struck by how much empirical evidence there is on the effectiveness of grants (or, more broadly, “changes in net tuition”), and how little there is in terms...

Grupo Laureate: ajustes y proyecciones

BRIEF For-profit Laureate sells St. Augustine for $400M, holds onto Walden U By Ben Unglesbee, Feb. 7, 2019 Dive Brif For-profit college operator Laureate Education has completed a sale of its University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) school to the...