Tomando el pulso de la ciencia latinoamericana

Tomando el pulso de la ciencia latinoamericana November 10, 2020 by Michela Bello - Fernando Galindo-Rueda - Fernando Vargas Este nuevo Día Mundial de la Ciencia para la Paz y el Desarrollo, instaurado para promover la importancia del conocimiento científico para el...

Querellas entre U de Stanford y Hoover Institution

Why Some Stanford Professors Want the Hoover Institution Gone Controversial pandemic pronouncements test an uneasy relationship. By Tom Bartlett NOVEMBER 9, 2020 At a recent Faculty Senate meeting, Stanford’s provost, Persis Drell, told professors that they shouldn’t...

CNA: Una propuesta malograda

Columnistas Domingo 08 de noviembre de 2020 CNA: Una propuesta malograda "Los nuevos criterios de acreditación son por completo ajenos a los modelos contemporáneos de aseguramiento de la calidad que se inspiran en la confianza hacia las instituciones y descansan en su...

Educación Superior: Si gana Biden, ¿qué?

What a Biden Win Would Mean for Higher Education If the Democrat wins, he will have to govern by executive order, much as his predecessor did. By Robert Kelchen NOVEMBER 5, 2020 While the final results of the 2020 election are not yet certain, it appears that Joe...

Gran Bretaña: La educación superior técnica

Giving universities lead on vocational HE ‘could pivot post-92s’ Policy Exchange report from v-c on Augar panel calls for English universities, not further education colleges, to be responsible for Level 4 and 5 provision November 5, 2020 John Morgan  The government...

Que pasa al inicio del nuevo semestre en EEUU

What Counts as Success in a COVID Semester With less than a month to Thanksgiving, some colleges are starting to tell their stories of how they've contained the virus -- and they're feeling pretty good about the results of their efforts.    By Elizabeth Redden...

EEUU: La educación superior si gana Biden

Would a Biden administration solve US higher education’s problems? The vast majority of university staff and students are hoping that Joe Biden’s predicted win comes to pass in next week’s presidential election. But with the nation’s finances reeling from Covid-19 and...